Walz FTW

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  • Brittman
    Posts: 2224

    I am pretty conservative and I am NOT a RINO. I am not sure I grasp the right-wing anti-Ukraine position other than it is appears to be anti-Biden.

    The Ukraine is fighting Russian land expansion with their own troops. It sends a message to Russia (who would continue to reclaim land in the name of the USSR) and China (who eyes Taiwan). Taiwan is the largest free world producer of semi-conductor chips by the way.

    Nicki Haley was on TV this morning and I paused long enough to listen. She agrees with being tough and fighting Russian and China aggression. Without US troops !

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    Well, being retired and comfortable for now, my only comment is that the people in their 20’s – 50″s need to figure out that regardless what they think, they are the ones that are paying for everything. Our outstanding Governor and legislature just increased our annual budget in Minnesota by 36%, figuring the tax base just created a $17B surplus, it will keep doing it, we might as well spend it than keep having to deal with surpluses. Corporations don’t pay taxes, their customers do, taxes is just an expense on the cost side of things. Tax credits are paid by every tax payer, regardless. High interest rates, they are nothing compared to when I bought my first house in 1982, I paid 14.5% then later refinanced when it hit 9.5%. Back then houses were build to reflect the interest rate, it was 920 square feet, split level. Today it seems the houses are well over 3000 square feet and become very unaffordable quickly as interest rates go up. Cities are not helping either as they demand new developments to be of a certain value. Print more money, the inflation rate goes up, the Feds respond by raising interest rates putting further strain on prices and the ability for the younger people to get ahead. They want more money, get it but now someone has to pay for this. UPS workers just settled their contract, good for them. Somewhere I read it’s a 50% increase over the new contract period. Guess who will pay for this, certainly not the companies shipping but the end user. My company quoted freight costs as FOB (Freight on Board) origin. This means the customer was responsible for picking up the freight charges from our factory. Like taxes, shipping is simply an expense on the balance sheet. Amazon prime jump up considerably in the last few years, you haven’t seen nothing yet as most of my packages are delivered via UPS. I hope the younger generations start realizing that we must get our financial house in order to allow them to prosper like we did 50 years ago. Of course some will definitely disagree but when the government spends more on interest on the debt than our military, nothing is free. Of course the other issue is that families are not having as many children anymore and it really puts the burden on the younger generations as spending is out of control.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    Just in case anyone is interested, the first Republican Presidential debate is on Wed, August 23 at 8pm central time. Former President Trump is not attending but I can assure you the other candidates will attack him during the debate. 2 hours of entertainment forthcoming…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Another Trump indictment is coming down right before the debate… back in 1983, evidently it is alleged, he didn’t rewind a rented VCR tape. Chris Christie is appalled by it all.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Biggill wrote:</div>
    Do you happen to know how much money Trump spent? Of course not.

    You could be right although I didn’t pay as much attention because Putin wasn’t attacking Ukraine, China wasn’t actively harassing us about Taiwan, gas wasn’t as expensive as it is now, food prices while on the upswing didn’t rise as fast as they have under Biden. I didn’t notice because for whatever reason it seemed with a businessman (it didn’t matter if he was crooked or not) in charge vs a Politian the country seemed to be humming along better. The biggest distractions were a few harmless tweets that the butthurt took as gospel and of course the scandals. The distraction of the all out Trump attacks didn’t seem to start until the Dems realized they had nobody that could beat him.

    Yes, maybe I should retract my remark about Biden / Walz.

    No , you shouldn’t. You are SPOT on! Some people can’t see the light shining on their faces because they are hung up on mean tweets and not merit. If we were operating on a merit based system things would still be “humming along”

    Posts: 24658

    Just in case anyone is interested, the first Republican Presidential debate is on Wed, August 23 at 8pm central time. Former President Trump is not attending but I can assure you the other candidates will attack him during the debate. 2 hours of entertainment forthcoming…

    He has said he is not attending any debates because he is “so far ahead in polling”.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    He has said he is not attending any debates because he is “so far ahead in polling”.

    His ego is way too massive to avoid all of the debates. He can only stay away for so long.

    I for one hopes he joins them eventually so we can watch him, Christie, and Ron all go at it. lol

    Posts: 24658

    His ego is way too massive to avoid all of the debates. He can only stay away for so long.

    I for one hopes he joins them eventually so we can watch him, Christie, and Ron all go at it. lol

    I agree on all of the above. I honestly wish he would just back out, but that is NOT going to happen. I like a lot of what I have seen from the others (Vivek and DeSantis) including Robert Kennedy Jr. He gets a lot of flak for his “anti-vax” which is unwarranted, but he has a lot of great ideas and I think he could actually bring people together unlike some others.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17383

    Everybody including the Republican candidates are trying to find a way to derail Trump. If I was him I wouldn’t debate either. He has nothing at all to gain.

    The most viable candidate on either side might be that Governor from North? Dakota. He’s a Trump without all the ego. I watched the CBS Morning news anchors (All 3 of them) repeatedly bait him to attack Trump. They failed and you could see the disappointment on their faces. Kudo’s to him for staying on point.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Everybody including the Republican candidates are trying to find a way to derail Trump. If I was him I wouldn’t debate either. He has nothing at all to gain.

    The most viable candidate on either side might be that Governor from North? Dakota. He’s a Trump without all the ego. I watched the CBS Morning news anchors (All 3 of them) repeatedly bait him to attack Trump. They failed and you could see the disappointment on their faces. Kudo’s to him for staying on point.

    i’d rather see the governor of south dakota!!!1 whistling whistling woot

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    Me too Glenn devil

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    this thread has been an entertaining read to say the least

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 216

    Most of you always bring in political knowledge into this fishing forum so I think most of you can do WAY better than Trump and other candidates.

    Posts: 1822

    I dont know about that somebody posted that he was a businessman.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17383

    That was me. You can tell me why he wasn’t.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    God forbid that one of the candidates on either side would dare to discuss what they would do for the people and the country…

    Let’s just spend all of our time bashing the other and disregard all the problems in the country currently going on. That’s much easier. chased

    It would be refreshing if we actually heard some ideas on how to turn this country around. whistling

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Let’s just spend all of our time bashing the other and disregard all the problems in the country currently going on. That’s much easier. chased

    Even the left wing media is starting to see how foolish their Comrade is


    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    Shocker, CNN?! sadly, he is well on his way to senility.
    I watched two separate channels on the Hawaii coverage. You cannot misunderstand the one channel.
    He is clearly clueless. No POTUS can be that obtuse, arrogant, narcissistic or whatever other adjective you want to use on purpose can they?

    I hope the debate tonight centers on what these folks can DO FOR THEIR COUNTRY instead of bashing each other and Brandon (the good folks of Hawaii bashed him plenty on his way out of there earlier this week) It would go a long ways toward showing many Americans that they are not the evil they are proposed to be. Guess we’ll see……

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I can’t even put into words (what I could post here anyways) how I feel about him comparing almost losing his 67 corvette or his cat to a small kitchen fire 20 years ago… to what the Maui people are going through. Children and elderly were burned alive…… flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame

    Posts: 24658

    That was absolutely disgusting big_g. The audacity to lie (my house burned to the ground with my wife inside but she got out) when it never even really burned and the fire was put out in 20 minutes. Nobody is even calling him out on it.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    That was absolutely disgusting big_g. The audacity to lie (my house burned to the ground with my wife inside but she got out) when it never even really burned and the fire was put out in 20 minutes. Nobody is even calling him out on it.

    wait, I thought we decided in the last administration that we didn’t care about lying and bending the truth?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    How disgusting to try to defend that.

    Posts: 68

    Wait, you think lying politicians originated with the last admin?

    Posts: 24658

    Wait, you think lying politicians originated with the last admin?

    Comment of the day.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Wait, you think lying politicians originated with the last admin?

    As far as the POTUS and lying/bending the truth, sure seemed like just about everyone here looked the other way during the last administration, but seem to all of a sudden care about that stuff again.

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