FLW Walleye Tour Lake Erie

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    The tour starts today!!

    Good luck to those IDO’ers fishing out there. I’ll be watching the leader board.


    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 173

    For those of you who haven’t heard yet, they cancelled day one of the tournament. We will try again tomorrow. The sun came out late this afternoon and the wind is letting up. Good luck to all tomorrow!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Was reading that yesterday as well. Better safe than sorry!

    Looks like conditions are much improved today.

    Go get’em boys and girls!


    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    Looks like a big bag of fish for some guys bad wind the first day. I see Scott Steil is around 16th place, good job for him today over 30lbs, just may be in the hunt for the big money. Good Luck Scott

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Thanks the support fishnutbob. It was a good tournament on Lake Erie for me despite not making the cut. I was one fish away from making the cut and unfotuately that one got off at the boat. In tournaments like this you can make any mistakes and I did. Time to get ready for Red Wing. Apparetly I can’t give anymore of an update or it will get deleted.

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