Al Lindner /Teen Challenge/Full Throttle Outdoors

  • Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    What do you get when you combine Al Lindner, Teen Challenge, and Full Throttle Outdoors. One awesome event. The first annual MN Teen Challenge fishing tournament is set for May 30th, 2009, on Gull Lake, MN. Full Throttle Outdoors has come on board as a enhanced Gold Level sponsor of the event. This event will feature many media resources such as news crews, T.V. and the leader of outdoor television Al Lindner.

    Jim Kalkofen former PWT director and director of this event has also teamed up with Full Throttle, Teen Challenge, and Al Lindner for this event. Cool.

    To find out more information on this event go to and for ENTRY information, rules, et…

    I will be fishing this event and urge you all to participate with Al, Teen Challenge, and Full Throttle.

    Come out and join us all for this great cause.

    Good Fishing and God Bless,
    Mark Schutz
    Full Throttle Outdoors

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    looks great! I would love to get up there and hang out with Al, and support your cause-

    Posts: 295

    Already filled out the form,looks to be a great event!

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Hey Guys,
    I will have more info about the Al Lindner Teen Challenge event at the first Full Throttle tournament on the Mississippi River pool 3/4 April 4th. We will also be at the Northwest Sport show this week. If you have any questions you can give me a call Mark at 763-486-7508. I will be happy to help get you into these events and answer any questions.

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Hello, If you need a place to stay for the Al Lindner Teen Challenge Full Throttle tournament contact the Brainderd Area Chamber of Commerce at 1-800-2838. They will help you find whatever you are looking for in terms of accomadations for this event.

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Just an update that the field is over half full at around 50 boats or more right now for this event. Should be a good turnout and a great time to fish Gull Lake on May 30th. You can still get in.
    Good Fishing,
    Full Throttle Outdoors

    Posts: 188

    Still time to get in and enjoy this fun event while supporting a great cause. Hope to see many of you there, and if you can’t make it you can still show your support through one of the anglers involved.

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    We are now over 60 boats and you can still get in before the tourney May 30th. If you have any questions and would like to sign up email [email protected] or call 218-740-5517.
    Good Fishing,
    Full Throttle Outdoors

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170


    What: Minnesota Fishing Challenge, a multi-species team fishing tournament

    Where: Saturday, May 30, Gull Lake, headquartered at Ernie’s on Gull

    Fishermen Support Teen Challenge

    The first annual fishing tournament to “reel-in” funds for Minnesota Teen Challenge is set for Gull Lake on Saturday, May 30. Teams will be on the water, while friends and families will enjoy games and activities on shore.

    Brainerd’s Al Lindner will serve as honorary director of the Minnesota Fishing Challenge presented by Mills Fleet Farm. He said, “The support for this event has been spectacular. Fishermen are pulling together to raise money, and their day on the water will be a bonus.”

    Each team raised at least $500 in tax-deductible sponsorship dollars from friends, relatives and businesses. When the tournament was first proposed, Lindner said, “I bet many teams will find more than $500 in sponsorships.” He was correct, and with more than 80 teams participating, the final tally will be impressive.

    Teams will bring the fish they catch to the weigh-in stage at Ernie’s on Gull. The free stage show and weigh-in ceremonies will be full of laughs, tall tales, fish stories and fun, starting at 3:30 p.m. Trophies for the Full Throttle walleye and bass divisions and the Nor-Son panfish and northern pike divisions will be awarded along with an array of prizes. All fish will be released.

    There will be more than fish at Ernie’s. The Fishing for Life youth activities and games, and the Centershot Archery range will also be open to youngsters. These hands-on games and shooting are free to the public starting at 1 p.m.

    Minnesota Teen Challenge is a faith-based organization to help people find freedom from the destructive habits of alcohol and drug abuse. Sam Anderson, director of the Brainerd facility said, “This support from the fishing fraternity means so much. Thank you! Our goal is to help each person who walks through our doors find true freedom from addiction. Hope is being restored one life at a time here at Minnesota Teen Challenge.”

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Best of luck to all who are fishing on Gull this weekend. We now have over 85 teams registered. Hopefully lots of funds are raised for Teen Challenge Christian drug rehabilitation program.
    Mark Schutz
    Full Throttle Outdoors

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hope you have great weather Mark!!

    Posts: 10

    What a great event it was, all the anglers managed to raise over $82,000 for Teen Challenge center in Brainerd. My self and my team member took biggest fish in the Walleye division and 4th place in the Walleye division over all. As well as 11th in the pan fish division.
    I could not think of a better event to get together for we had a great turn out with over 85 boats.

    I want to thank everyone at Teen Challenge and all the sponsors of the event. You all did a great job putting it together and I plan on doing it again next year and hopefully raising more money for such a great cause.

    God Bless and Good Fishing

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