FLW Tour question (Red Wing)

  • like_mike-ike
    Burnsville, Minnesota
    Posts: 75

    From the posts, I see that there is a waiting list for co-anglers at Red Wing. My question is – Is it worth it for me to even register at this point? Or how would I go about finding out if it is worth it? It is the only tournament I was thinking about, so to pay $35 to join FLW would be a waste if I did not get in.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    By joining you also get a subscription to the FLW Walleye Magazine which is a great magazine full of info about catching walleyes.
    Thanks, Bill

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    Call and talk to Sonny Reynolds at the FLW office he will tell you how long the waiting list is. His phone number was posted on one of the other threads on the FLW.

    Burnsville, Minnesota
    Posts: 75

    Thanks. I found the post with the #. I will call, hope I have a chance.

    Posts: 203

    Let us know what you find out.

    Posts: 203

    I am not quite sure how the waiting list works. I registered after the priority cut-off approx. 2 days after my buddy did. When checking to see where we were “in line”, I was @ #4 and he was @ #9? 10 days later I called and was told I was #10. As of this AM, I am #8.

    Posts: 128

    I just checked in and I am 19th on the co-angler list. So I need a little more than one boater a day to sign up for me to fish my first tournament. I think I have a 50/50 shot. ??

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I talked to Sonny yesterday and he said I was 14th on the waiting list. He said the tournament was about half full and he expected me to be able to get in at 14th on the list.

    I talked to a couple of FLW pro’s at the NW Sports Show last weekend and they thought the tournament would have 110 to 120 boats at least. If they have that many boats we should get in for sure being 14 and 19th on the waiting list.

    Posts: 203

    You would think you would be OK….but note my post above. From my expereince with this tournament (and this is the first time I have ever registered…..) the position on the waiting list is by no means “secure”….

    Posts: 203

    Update….I have moved back up to #4 (again) in the waiting spot, my buddy has fallen to #14. I am curious to know how they position us on the waiting list. He actually registerd the day before me. Our plan was to try to ensure we both made the cut (we could not find pro’s to sign with prior to the priority cut-off), as we will split expenses for the trip.

    FLW states they are still at 1/2 a pro field. Can any of the pro’s give some insight or predictions as to how many sign-ups they’ll get? I can’t imagine they won’t get at least 100 pro’s….

    If our position continues to vary as it has, we are considering pulling our entries.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I would be curious to why you keep moving around as well. I called Sonny about a month ago and he said I was 18th on the list and then I called him last week and he said I was 14th. If I call again this week and move the wrong direction I’m going to ask what the deal is. The only thing I can think of is that people that sign up for more than one event bump the people that only signed up for one event.

    I talked to a well respected pro at the NW Sports Show and he predicated there would be around 120 pros signed up for Red Wing.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Although this is an economically challenging yr. I would think all of you guys in the top 20 are pretty safe. There should be a lot of movement getting towards the deadline. I would love to enter to help the list a little but I dont dare take any vacation right now as I dont want my desk cleaned out. Might try to get in the league event though, turned out pretty good for me last yr.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I’ve been trying to get a hold of Sonny for the past few days to find out where I’m at on the sign up and ask him why people are jumping around so much for priority.

    I was told that when you enter your entry is time stamped and the computer automatically updates the priority list when more pro’s sign up. The only explanation I can figure is that people are getting priority for signing up for multiple events and bumping the rest of us around.

    Altoona, WI
    Posts: 132

    I did get ahold of Sonny last week to see where I was at on the waiting list and he said that my position on the list can move up until the priority date. After the priority date your position is fixed, but up until the priority date a co-angler can partner up with a boater and this guarantees that both will be in and they would jump the line. I guess I need to find a boater in the future to enter with to lock in a position. I’m pretty far down on the list.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313


    I did get ahold of Sonny last week to see where I was at on the waiting list and he said that my position on the list can move up until the priority date. After the priority date your position is fixed, but up until the priority date a co-angler can partner up with a boater and this guarantees that both will be in and they would jump the line. I guess I need to find a boater in the future to enter with to lock in a position. I’m pretty far down on the list.

    As far as I was told the priority date has long passed, so I don’t understand why people would still be moving around. If that isn’t the case I should be able to get in because I am aligned with a pro that is signing up but he didn’t sign up by the so called priority date. I’m kind of frustrated that the information isn’t more clear and people, including me are jumping up and down on the list.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Looks to me, according to the FLW website, that the priority deadline for the tour was 2/12.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I just called Sonny and got some clarification. I must say Sonny is very good to deal with and answered all my questions. He said all the entries are time and date stamped and he even told me exactly what time I signed up to the second which is what the priority list is based on. After the priority deadline passed on Feb. 12 this list was locked in.

    I started at position 19 when I first called and then moved up to 14 and now am at 12. He said they are just over half full and he expects there will be a bunch of entries after the first event at Lake Erie next week. I’m assuming some people may take their winnings if they have any and use that money for the next event. With the economy being like it is with all the uncertainty over jobs people are hanging onto their money as long as they can before they spend it.

    Sonny still was very confident there would be over 110 boats in this event. I’m thinking there may be a few guys from the league event that jump up as well if they do well and are on fish in that event.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I called FLW again today to get an update on where I am on the waiting list. I am number one on the list so if one more pro signs up I am in. Sonny said entry fees having been coming in at a decent clip as of late. It sounds like they are quite a ways from 100 boats yet.

    It would be surprising to me if there aren’t over 100 boats in the tournament even with the current state of the economy. There was a 124 at Erie last week and that tournament usually has the highest demand.

    Some of the local river rats need to sign up and show some of the FLW regulars how it is done on Pool 4.

    Posts: 203

    I received confirmation yesterday.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I will be suprised if there are 100 boats. There are a few guys that are not fishing anymore after Erie but a couple I talked to that were going to fish one more event. If you are in the top 10 on the waiting list, you should get in based on the guys I talked to that will be signing up.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    What is the Max number of boats they allow in this tournament?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I sent Sonny an email asking how many boat were in so far here was his reply.


    Hey Steve,

    Looking to get over 100, we have co-angler on the wait list, waiting for pros. If we can get them all fishing we will have around 130 boats.


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