Walleye Fishing Ethics or Etiquette

  • ncarlson203
    Posts: 80

    I had a chance to go down and prefish with a friend of mine for the freeze your butt tourney on friday…….We would be fishing a spot and it was normal for 2 to 3 boats just to come right up next to us and start fishing, or literally drive right over the fish we were fishing. I’m talking within a couple of boat lengths away. I am an avid bass tournament guy, and I would compare this in my world as if I were fishing a dock and another bass guy started to fish the other side, I’m sorry but that just doesn’t happen. I have fished all over the state and I have never seen such a lack of respect for space. Is this standard conduct for walleye anglers among each other? I have talked to other friends of mine who fish walleye and they said the same sort of thing happens to them as well, comments like “Don’t let them see us catch one or they’ll be over here in a second.” Like I said I’m a bass guy so maybe this is the norm in the walleye world.

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