Anyone else get this??
30 Gamble Lane * Benton, KY 42044
Phone: 270.252.1000 Fax: 270.252.1001
January 22, 2008
Dear Chris,
As you know, for the past two years we have been partnered with the University of Minnesota as well as fisheries managers from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota
conducting a study to better understand how fish are affected and react to various degrees of stress created by water temp, oxygen levels, sudden change in their environments, how they are handled, etc;. Many of you have assisted, in various ways, in this study and we thank you for your involvement.
We are also conducting a study to help understand the fishing experiences and views of walleye anglers regarding the management of fishing tournaments. You will be receiving a short survey from the University of Minnesota Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey and return it with the provided postage paid envelope. I can not emphasize enough the importance of this survey and the impact that the findings of the completed two year program will have on the future of competitive angling as we know it today.
Thank you again for your cooperation at tournament sites in assisting the research teams and we thank you in advance for the few minutes of your time in helping us put it all together by filling out the survey and returning it in the provided pre-paid envelope. The future of our sport thanks you as well!
Best Regards,
Sonny Reynolds
Director of Walleye Operations
FLW Outdoors