Looking for seat for Saugerama

  • walzer
    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Hey guys,
    If anyone is considering fishing the Saugerama and is looking for a partner my Dad needs a seat. His partner just backed out and he was really looking forward to fishing this tourney. If interested send me a PM and we’ll set it up.

    Derek W.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Not sure how far he would have to come to get there but there is always a chance that someone would be there to fish it with him. Most likely there will be a few people there to just go out fishing and they might want to jump in if someone were to join them. It looks like that may be your only option here. It may be worth a try. Another thing that I would think would be ok would be for him to fish it by himself. Granted he would only be able to keep 6 fish but it might be ok. If you have any questions give me a shout.

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Thanks Eric, he might do that. He has one more person to check with.

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