Port Of Call tourney 2008

  • brentr
    Posts: 49

    Recieved a call from the dnr a few days ago and I guess i didnt send enough money for the NEW permit fee. Come to find out if you want over 50 boats or 100 contestants the fee is in the 400’s Due to the decline in teams i am thinking of a 50 boats limit next year and up the entry fee to 85$. I’m open to ideas!


    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    One thing to keep in mind Brent, is that this fee is going up for all of the tourney’s, including the river tourney’s. What are they all going to do? If all of a sudden you have another two or three river tourney’s dropping out or raising their fees quite a bit, you may have a lot more people that want to hit the Port tourney next summer instead of doing a few of the others. Either way, it’s a gamble.

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    This is exactly why I wrote the DNR right away when I heard they were raising the fee’s for tournaments. They are going to price out smaller tournaments and also make the bigger ones think twice about coming to Minnesota. No matter what price you decide your entry fee should be, it will be well worth it. Nobody puts on a tournament better than you and the food and door prizes would make any entry fee a bargain. Keep up the good work!

    Think about coming to the dark side with me next year in the FLW, we could have a good time.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    400.00 divided by 75 teams is only 5.34 per team. If you change your permit to only 50 teams you may not be able to get the larger tournament classification back if down the road you want to have it back. If you bump the entry fee from 75.00 to 85.00 you will more than cover the permit cost. Do the payback ”after” the tournament fee is subtracted from moneies paid from the entry fees and state it that way in your flier. Just my 2 cents bud.

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. 400.00 seems like alot of money at first but when you divide it by the number of teams it isn’t really much. Just need to add it to the entry fee and its covered. People will come to understand that because it will be that way for every larger permit tournament.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353


    You have one of the best tournaments and year over year it is the only tournament people remember. It also helps that the weights are huge. I agree with Bill, take the $400 out of the entry fee and bump the fee to $85. Eitherway I know Dave and I eat $10 worth of food…

    If I would suggest anything it would be reducing the limit from 6 to 4 considering the size of fish the last couple years being brought in or limiting the over like Mark does in the GOM.

    My .02

    Mike J

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I would hate to see this tourney drop to 50 boats. It would make it tough to get into!!!!

    Seriously, your tourney has been one of the best around for a number of years. Kick up the entry to cover the cost. people will understand.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Brent, from from friend to another friend: whats 10.00 to a tournament fisherman when having more boats [over 50] increases the payback greatly? Its peanuts and still well spent peanuts. The boys like higher paybacks so go for it and stick with the 100 boat limit.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 49

    Thanks for all the kind words and ideas guys. I’m sorry to say I went with the 50 boat limit.
    The big reason is the lower # of boats in all the tourneys last year. Some other things that made me go that way was that the tourney should hopefully fill up faster leaving me more time to plan the food, the harbor will hopefully like the smaller # of boats. I’m still planning on raising the entry $10 which will take care of the permit and also increase the payout. The only promblem is do I invite everybody who fished last year and then open it up to anyone, or open it up right away? I will keep everyone informed.


    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383


    The only promblem is do I invite everybody who fished last year and then open it up to anyone, or open it up right away?

    I’ll add my 2 cents.

    I unfortunately didn’t get to fish it last year, so this isn’t a self-supporting statement. I think it would be nice to give the folks that have supported you in the past an opportunity to sign up first.

    We all are glad you are continuing to host this event.


    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Can I sign up today???

    Seriously, this tourney will fill quick. Looks like we are gonna have to get entries in right away this year.

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    Brent this is one of the best run tournys I have ever fished I hope you can keep it going as is

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