Different tournement ckts?

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    Just getting into the tournement thing, last year I fished the FLW Leugue as bothe co and boater, enjoyed them both.

    I know a few of you fish the MN tournements, MTT, MWT, etc, whch are team events.

    On the MTT who here or what would be rquired lets say to make it the championship, number of events?

    I see they have ind events Sat and Sun, do most of you fish both days or could you fish one day and make it?

    Also looking at a cost thing, got kids in sports

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    As for the MTT the Top 75 teams by points and any team competing in 5 one-day events and one two-day event, will be invited to the Championship. Please check out their website as they have it all there!!

    The MTT staff run a great tourney. I would highly recommend it!!!

    Posts: 4062

    OK, so only need to fish 5 one day and 1 2 day, I see on thier site they show sat/sun one day events on certain bodies of water, lets your home lake, they have 4 one day events, you could fish all 4 which would equell 4 of the 5 singles?, you could fish both one day events which would equell 2 of the 5 events (single)?

    Did I confuse you? Who is on 1st

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Good Morning!
    Diane from MTT here, I am your answer gal. I run the website, work the events, as well as fish them.
    I just wanted to clarify some of your questions regarding qualifying for MTT CHampionship.

    To get an automatic invite to the Championship, you must fish 5 one-day events and one 2-day event.

    You may pick and choose which events you fish. You can fish on Sunday and not Saturday of the one-day events if you choose.
    We have a few teams that do their pre-fishing on Saturday, and compete Sunday. We are a working persons circuit, so this way they are not taking time off work.

    Also, for the 2-day events, you must fish one of these to be guaranteed an invite.

    You may fish the minimum required, or more, or all of them if you choose. We will keep your top 5 one-day scores, and your best 2-day score (if you fish both of these).
    So, you can constantly be upgrading all season and be in the running for “Team of the Year”.

    However, even if you fish all season, and lets say never weigh a fish (it has happened), and you have fished 5 one-days and 1 two-day you will still get an invite.
    We understand everyone can have an off year, or just be learning as well!

    Also, the top 75 teams, after the 2-day events are invited.

    With the MTT, you do not have to register at the beginning of the year for all of your events, you can to be sure you get in, but not required.
    So, you can decide as your schedule allows.

    I hope I have answered your questions regarding Championship qualification.
    If you have ANY other questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
    Or, you can look at the wewbsite, as all info in there http://www.mntournamenttrail.com

    If you would like ot be on our mailing list, let me know, send me an e-mail with your address.

    We have alot of great anglers that fish with us, alot of good competition and some really fun times. Everyone will make you feel welcome.

    Thanks so much for the interset!
    Hope to see you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    Posts: 4062

    Thanks, I also talked to mIke this morning, and now I get it

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Diane.

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