Congratulations Chad (Hunter 88)

  • jbob
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    Congrats on your finsih and the league champion for total points. What a great year you had. Did you buy John a radio?

    Albert Lea, MN
    Posts: 14

    Congrats Chad on a job well done. All the hours sent on the water have sure payed off. I wish I could have been there this year but it just didn’t work out. Good luck at the championship


    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    Congrats on The 11 th place finnish at Bemidji. More importantly on the Points Championship for the Year. All the time on the water has paid off. On too the Tour Championship. Time too show what a FLW League angler of the Year can do. Good Luck. Oh yeh, I will get my $1 back from our side bet before Bemidji.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 139

    Thanks Jim and Rich. We missed you up at Bemidji Jim. You would have had a blast. What a fishery! I messed up big time, and I’m glad it didn’t cost me the championship. I decided to weigh a 18.75″ fish that I thought would be counted alive, and it went belly up in the bump tank. I left a 19.5″ fish in my livewell that was questionable, so I ended up leaving half-a-pound or so sitting in my livewll. That little blunder only cost me a few positions and a few hundred bucks. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

    It was a fantastic year. I’d like to thank John Gildersleeve (Rigging Guy) for all of the help with pre-fishing. We both fished our tails off this year, pre-fishing an average of ten days for each event. With a little better luck it might be John as the two-time angler of the year this year. This championship was a true team effort. This makes it three years in a row now for Team Gildersleeve. Get well Jim and we’ll make it four in a row next year!

    Good luck to everyone who fishes Moline. I’m going to head to Cleveland and pre-fish for a couple of weeks, so I’ll probably skip the league championship. I hope to see you all next year.

    carver Mn
    Posts: 217

    Congrats Chad. Good luck in cleveland.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Congratulations Chad and good luck in the Tour Championship!

    Posts: 4062

    , nice chatting with you after the tourney

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 139

    It was nice meeting you Kirt. Congrats on your first tournament as a boater.

    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 240

    Chad, Congrats to you this season… Winning AOY is a True accomplishment. Thankyou for getting my friend and your co at Bemidji to Moline. Go get um on Erie!!!

    Forest Lake, MN
    Posts: 35

    Nice Work Chad, hard work pays off… and i do belive you took the luck out of my boat the first tournament this year… Good luck at the big dance…


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Congrats and good luck, Chad!

    Posts: 285

    Congrats Chad!!Good luck in Cleveland.

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