If any of you fished the FLW League event on Mille Lacs this last weekend, I would like your opinions on how this was handled. This deal is sticking in my throat like a fish bone. I did not have a weight that would do me any good in the points or the money, but I got docked 8 ounces for a fish that was swimming around great in my livewell.
I know MANY people who had money and points on the line were bumped out of position due to the “Dead Fish Penalty.”
1. Fish were to be killed after the tournament with the exception of the fish used in the warm water study. Am I correct? So why did they have to be “Alive” by the bump tank guys standards?
2. The DNR/U of M guys were telling the guy at the bump tank that his water was getting too warm. So, we were taking the fish out of ambient lake water temp, where they have been all day, putting them in a tank of ice water, and then into a 74 degree bump tank.
3. Some guys did not get dead weight penalties for fish that were in the same condition as mine and others.
4. The DNR/U of M guys were checking O2 readings and temps, and I heard a number of “Good Jobs!” and “Your fish look great!” only to get to the tanks, and get a DFP.
5. I know of one angler who got docked 2 pounds for dead fish, only to have Sonny tell him on stage “Your fish look healthy, great job!” This basket would have landed him in 5th place. But he ended up in the 20’s because of it.
My issue with this is that the FLW is going to force anglers into fizzing fish to keep them alive for the tournament. They have not come out with their support or criticism of doing so. I think that this “Live Fish” deal was for picture purposes only. Fish were being given away left and right “Behind the curtain” even if they were fully alive. I know of one angler that got no DFP, and they took his fish and gave them away!
Did this affect any of you guys/gals as well? Am I wrong to be a little purturbed by this? What will happen at Bemidgi?
My intent is not to start a feud with the FLW at all! Maybe I am misinterpreting the rules? Can someone set me straight?