Don’t panic!! the weigh-ins have been pushed back to 4pm each day, as has the start!! it’s now going at 8am…..concerns with get all the boats in the water b4 7am with the night ban still on!!
The ponds gonna be a busy place the next week or so. With the PWT starting today, the MTT this weekend (which I hear is close to full again), then the Wacker next Wed./Thur. The fish are going to have sore lips for a month.
Jack and Derek are paired up? I bet Dunn will take a collar so he won’t have to show Derek any of his “secret” spots…
Guess who!!! could it be Jon J……!!!!he would’nt try it would he? IDA memeber TommyB. Derek Johnston Jack Dunn……………look out tommorrow, Jack and Derek are paired up!!
thats all the pictures for now!! I have a ton more……check out the leader board for the weights