MTT Big Stone Saturday-cancelled!

  • DianeMTT
    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    I just wanted to let everyone know that the MTT event on Big Stone yesterday (Saturday)- was cancelled.
    The event was cancelled due to lightening and severe weather, and the same predicted for the entire day.

    Mike held the teams until 9:00AM, on a weather delay. It was at that time he decided to cancel the event for the safety of the teams competing.

    This was the first event in MTT history to have to be cancelled.

    They were going to get out and try it again this morning.
    I am not at the events this weekend, due to family obligations, so not sure what is happening today!

    Thanks for all the interest and support!
    See you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Wow, Thanks Diane…Mike and I were filling out our entry forms for the up coming Mille Lacs events yesterday and we talked about how nasty it might have been down on Big Stone. The lake would have been wild with just the wind alone!

    See ya in acouple of weeks!!

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    One of the things with Big Stone is, when a big storm kicks up, if you are one the water…there isn’t alot of “safe” shores to get to.
    With the lake being so rocky and shallow, it can turn into a real mess. There really isn’t an area you can beach your boat if you need to.
    There is only one ramp on the end of the lake, and with the wind pushing you around, it can be a challenge to get out of the water.

    He made the right call!!
    We will see you on Mille Lacs!

    Diane @ MTT

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936


    He made the right call!!
    We will see you on Mille Lacs!

    Diane @ MTT

    Mike does a great job, as does the rest of the staff running the MTT.

    Good call! yes in deed..

    West Central MN
    Posts: 106

    Just turned on The Weather Channel at 8:30 this morning
    and we had a 61 mph gust in Morris. We are about 40 miles
    as the crow flies (or as the wind blows) from Ortonville.


    Sunday got cancelled as well. We recieved word around 6:00 a.m. that it was not going to happen. Weather called for winds out of the SE at 43 with gusts over 60mph. It unfortunate everyone came out and wasn’t able to fish either of the days, but it never hurts to err on the side of caution.

    Definetly the right call today. It would have been a real mess.

    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    Just an FYI to anyone that fished Big Stone. Mike is giving us all “show” points (100 per day) and the day or days you had signed up for will count towards the automatic qualifier for the championship.(5 one day tournys and 1 – 2 dayer gets you in no matter where you are in the points). Another good call by the folks that run the MTT. Can’t wait for next weekend on Mille, Adam

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