Can you say cold!And ishy! You gotta be pretty darn mad at the fish to go on a day like today! But the G3’s new boat’s the Advantage 210’s are handling it like a champ! Crosby Stick and I and some of the G3 pro’s are fishing the FLW walleye tournament this week and that’s the ONLY reason I’m fishing! My gosh the wind and the rain and snow and sleet…You name it and Mother Nature is thowing it at us!And it’s only day 1! Same forcast for tomorrow too! :bawling Stick and the boy’s were on fish,but they took the lake out of play because of the winds we had….Up to 8′ ers and if the wind continues tomorrow they’re talking up to 14’er’s! Anyway’s….Everyones in the river system and I’n sitting in 7th place right now. Crosby Stick is in 60th on the pro side and acouple others are a ways down the ladder.That’s why they make these 3 day tournaments………Time to make up some grounds..I’ll try posting every day to keep you updated.
April 11, 2007 at 10:47 pm