The first SD WWA Division tournament was held on Sunday April 9th on Lake Francis Case at Cedar Shore resort. Weather for the tournament was outstanding. It was 46 degrees with wind 5-10 mph at the 7:00 am launch and by noon it was close to eighty with little or no wind. Water temperature was in the mid forties and the walleyes were in the spawn.
First place went to the team of Bob Klosterman and Tom Nelson with 5 fish weighing in at 11.11 pounds. Second place went to the team of Brian Steichen and Steve Steichen with 5 fish that tipped the scales at 9.27 pounds. Klosterman-Nelson and Steichen-Steichen tied for big fish honors with a 3.07 pound fish. Third place went to the team of Carlye Schliem and Bruce Dohman with five fish tipping the scales at 8.48 pounds. The top three teams were pulling crankbaits at Carpenters down by the White River.
The next WWA SD Division tournament is May 7th at Pollock.
Posts: 43
April 10, 2006 at 1:54 pm