Well they don’t call it freeze your butt for nothing.. 24 degrees at blast off. Fishing was slow for us. Second cast of the day with a chart-pepper ringworm and I had hooked into a nice pig. But walleye fever had me crankin to hard on that 8# sensation line and she game unglued. First fish in the box was a 15 1/2 inch sauger. Then a nice 18 or so inch walleye. Then we ran into Jarrad who had boated 17 some fish. We worked the edges into the main channel. I decided to tie up a pro blue paddle tail on my deadstick and it got whacked hard. Once again very nice fish and I almost got it to the surface but it came off. Must remember to take your time..
It was alot of fun and I’m very happy with the new boat and Yamaha 4-stroke…
It was great meeting Tuck, Bill C, Amwatson, Mike W, Dean, and TBO..
I’ll be back to the river soon..
Mike W and TBO kicked us out of 4th place when we left.. 11 some pounds was in the lead..