Fontenac Sportsman’s Ice Fishing Contest

  • jimsiewert
    Posts: 274

    Due to poor ice conditions, the 22nd Annual Frontenac Sprtsman’s Club Contest on the Frontenac Pond has been cancelled next weekend (Feb.11th, Noon – 4:00PM).
    However, we will have a land-locked ice fishing contest at the Frontenac Sportsman’s Community Center the same day and time. We will have hundreds of doorprizes, games, live auction, so many raffles I cannot even start listing them, food, and….everyone who has, or will purchase the actual fishing entry ticket will be put into a drawing for the the fishing monetary prizes.

    We also ordered a large tent to handle the large crowd besides the actual community center. Bring your fish shacks too!!!

    We still expect 500 plus people during our first land locked ice fishing contest.


    Jimmy Siewert

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