MTT CHampionship to be on Midwest Outdoors

  • DianeMTT
    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    The MTT Championship will be airing on the Midwest Outdoors TV show this weekend, December 17 & 18.

    Midwest Outdoors was on hand to tape both days of the Championship.
    The Championship was held September 22 & 23, at Lake of the Woods.

    The MTT Anglers have been notified as to the airing dates and times, but we wanted everyone to know the info.
    So, for those of you who are interested in the MTT, I have posted all the dates, times and stations on our website:
    You can find them on the “Updates” page.

    We would like to Thank all of our Anglers who have supported us, and our Sponsors this year, and in past years.
    We could not be doing this, if not for all of you!
    “Ours hats go off to all of our Supporters…THANKS!!!”

    So, check out the info on the website and have those VCR’s set!
    We hope to see you on “The Trail” next season!
    Diane @ MTT

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Diane.

    St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA
    Posts: 272

    HELP!! If anyone has a copy of this they could send/sell me, I would be forever in their debt. Had to leave town for the weekend and forgot to have someone tape it. Thanks for any and all help.

    Posts: 4

    Nobody taped this! I also missed the show and really would like to see it. I’m guessing Jbongers has a tape as he won it! Sounds like it was a really great show. I have contacted Midwest outdoors asking for a copy but I haven’t heard anything yet.

    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 278

    Yep I have a tape of it, let me know if or when you want to borrow it.

    Posts: 517

    Hey Bongers congrats man — saw you on the tube. Hopefully we’ll see ya the 21st/22nd at Nittis.


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