GNWC National Championship Oct. 6-8 Press Release

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Lake Erie and Vermilion, Ohio to Host ’05 GNWC National Championship

    By Steve Weisman
    GNWC Publicity Director
    Walleye anglers know that Lake Erie in October means trophy walleyes!
    For the Grand National Walleye Cup (GNWC) teams, Oct. 6-8, 2005 means the
    National Championship and a date with Lake Erie walleyes. Famous for big
    walleyes and lots of them, Lake Erie is a mecca for walleye anglers. And the
    waters just outside of Vermilion, Ohio are the place to be during October.
    The 2005 GNWC National Championship presented by Skeeter Boats and
    Yamaha Outboards brings the top 120 walleye fishing teams from 14 states to
    the fertile big-walleye waters of Lake Erie.
    On the line will be a first place prize of two fully rigged WX 1880
    Skeeter boats rigged with Yamaha 4-stroke 150 hp outboards, Minnkota
    electric trolling motors and batteries, and Lowrance Electronics. With a
    retail value of $35,000 per rig, this brings the first place purse to
    $70,000. Additional cash and prizes bring the total to be awarded to more
    than $150,000.
    In addition, a third fully rigged WX 1880 will be given away in a
    drawing at the National Championship. Each angler who qualified to fish the
    National Championship will have a chance to win this boat. It will be given
    away at the tournament in a random drawing, and all contestants that meet
    eligibility guidelines will have one chance to win. “It is exciting to be
    able to offer the GNWC teams three fully rigged WX 1880s at the National
    Championship. Our partnership with this premium boat manufacturer allows us
    to award an awesome prize to our 2005 National Champions,” said GNWC
    Executive Director Bernie Barringer.
    Barringer continued, “We are excited to bring the National Championship
    to Lake Erie. The folks in Vermilion are really looking forward to our
    championship teams coming to their town. This is a tremendous fishery, and I
    know that October and Lake Erie mean big, big walleyes!”
    John Hammer, Chairman of the Vermilion Port Authority, shared his
    excitement about hosting the event. “As Chairman of the VPA and on behalf of
    the city of Vermilion, I would like to thank the GNWC for giving us the
    opportunity to host this event. I can assure you that our city will welcome
    your anglers with open arms. We believe that the city of Vermilion, is the
    ‘Best Kept Secret’ on the southern shores of Lake Erie. The waters of Lake
    Erie just outside of the Vermilion Harbor attract large schools of walleye
    during the month of October.”
    One thing is for certain. There are big ‘eyes out there for the taking
    and a first place purse worth $70,000! As Barringer said, “The Vermilion
    area of Lake Erie is a great opportunity for anglers even in smaller boats
    to access this terrific fall fishery. Some locals tell me that it will take
    40-plus pounds a day to win this event. And there is the distinct
    possibility that it will take a fish in the teens to win the overall big
    fish award. To have that kind of a big fish bite within reach of any angler
    is the reason we have accepted the invitation to hold the national
    championship at Vermilion, Ohio.”
    The first day’s action begins on Thursday with the exciting weigh-in at
    3 p.m. at Red Clay on the River.
    The real fun begins at the weigh-ins as the teams begin to bring their
    baskets of fish to the scales. With two $35,000 top-of-the-line Skeeter
    boats on the line, there will be electricity in the air. Anyone interested
    in fishing is invited to come out and enjoy each afternoon’s weigh-in.
    Friday and Saturday will follow the same format as the opening day, but
    it will be Saturday’s weigh-in that will determine the 2005 GNWC National
    Champions. “Saturday will be especially exciting,” Barringer said. “At
    Saturday’s weigh-in, the teams will share their secrets and tell the
    spectators the details of how and where the fish were caught.”
    Special awards will be given out at the Championships including up to
    $800 to the angler that catches the largest fish each of the three days. The
    Cabela’s Big Fish Award of a $200 shopping spree will be awarded to the team
    that weighs the largest walleye during the three-day Championships.
    Skeeter Boats is offering an additional $3000 above their GNWC winnings
    to any owner of a Skeeter boat who wins the National Championship while
    fishing in the Skeeter. In addition, the top-finishing Skeeter owner will
    receive $1000. This extra $1000 is above the $3000 for winning.
    YoNet Folding Nets by AMFYOYO will offer the Yo So Close Award of an $80
    folding net to the three teams finishing just out of the money.
    TowTector, maker of the premium boat protector for towing vehicles, will
    offer the Towtector Comeback Award of two Towtector Shields valued at nearly
    $550 for the team advancing the most places from day one to day three.
    The FoodSource Lure Company is sponsoring $200 in FoodSource Lures for
    the top placing family team.
    Teams that do not catch fish will be put in a drawing for $200 in Mack’s
    Lure products in the Mack’s Lure Catch More Fish With Mack’s Award.
    Those interested in learning more about the GNWC circuit can call
    1-800-890-FISH (3474) or access the GNWC website at For
    those wanting to take a look at the Vermilion area, check out their website
    The GNWC National Championship is presented by Skeeter Boats and Yamaha
    Outboards. Major national sponsors for the GNWC include Lowrance
    Electronics, YoNet Folding Nets by AMFYOYO, Aqua-VU, The Oxygenator,
    Cabela’s and National championship boosters are
    Towtector Shield, MinnKota, Mack’s Lure and the FoodSource Lure Corporation.

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