FLW League results????

  • JohnEngler
    Posts: 53

    Any word/results on the FLW tournament from Bay City today?

    Posts: 203

    16 lbs. to win, 8 lbs to make the money @ 20th place. 70 boats fished it.

    Posts: 4179

    My partner and I took 5th with 12 lbs 8 oz. We pulled cranks in the lake. It sounds like there was a mix of crankers and live-baiters. Lots of people poured out of Bay City Flats just before weigh-in.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I will have a report up sometime tomorrow with pics. Sorry I did not get to talk to some of you guys. Jason congrats on your 5th place win were you the guy in the green bibs and the IDA hat?

    Posts: 4179

    Yep, that was indeed me. You looked a little busy at the weigh-in Steve, which is why I didn’t introduce myself.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Stickboy placed 20th on the boater side. Congrats buddy!!

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    thanks kooty, I had a great time the flw is well run. I hate to even mention it but I only weighed 3 fish, early in the morning I through several 16″-17″ fish back hoping to increase the size a little. Not a good move but a lesson well learned. The extra 4 lbs. would have put me alot higher. I will still take 20th. It was fun to see some familiar faces again and meet a couple new ones. see you all at millacs.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    Stick boy;
    Thanks for taking out some of the kids fishing on Thursday. They all seemed to have a great time.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    No problem jim. Eric was a good kid I hope I managed to teach him a thing or two. Congrats to you on a decent finish too. 12th place not bad we’ll see you on millacs.

    Posts: 203

    Ditto for me Steve, you looked awfully busy at the weigh in….wanted to say hi but we weighed in near the end. Also wanted to say hi at the rules meeting but I’d been drawn 68th and could not find you after meeting with my pro. Perhaps a day in my boat sometime?

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    Way to go Jim, John and Chuck for all pulling checks! That’s teamwork!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Stickboy, tough call on throwing back legal fish. Congrats on the good finish though. Handlining??

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Oh cripes Scott, don’t get him started on that. Tourney fishing is about decsion making. You have to live with the choices and learn from them. At least that’s what I told him last night when we talked.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031


    Stickboy, tough call on throwing back legal fish. Congrats on the good finish though. Handlining??

    Scott I did get some fish handlining but everything that day came from longlining. I did get two short fish handlining later in the day but nothing legal. Earlier in the week It was a mixed bag, I got half my fish from hand lining and the other half longlining cranks. The better size fish came from trolling and quantity came from handlining so I opted to start with longlining. I couldnt brake the 18″ mark handlining.
    Thanks for teaching me the handlining technique I really enjoy it and it seems to be effective although the #5’s and 7’s isnt what they wanted I bought some # 11’s and they seemed to like those. I dont regret my decision the larger fish were there just not for me that day. It was a tough decision next time I will put my five in the box and hope for some piggies.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    5’s & 7’s are for cold water, after May 1st you are better off pulling the logs. Still a very good finish.

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