• DianeMTT
    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    The MTT has revised/ changed our schedule for our 2-day events.

    We have flip-flopped the dates and locations of our 2-day events.

    August 6 & 7 Lake Winnibigoshish Denny’s Resort
    August 20 & 21 Mille Lacs Lake Izaty’s Resort

    We decided to change this due to another tournament runnig out of Izaty’s on the earlier weekend. There is a Musky tournament scheduled to run on the same dates we had scheduled.
    Izaty’s was more than happy to have us both there.
    But, we decided to alleviate the pressure on the lake and the resort and flip-flop our dates.

    We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause any of our teams.
    We acted on this as soon as we found out the tournaments were scheduled at the same time.
    We do plan on contacting any teams that are already registered for these events.
    You may contact us at anytime if you have any questions.

    The new schedule is posted on the website, and on our “updates” page.
    The “updates” page is where you want to check for any changes or announcements we may have.

    Another side note: Izaty’s is offering a 10% discount to any of our teams that would like to book for ANY of our weekends. Just mention that you are with the MTT and they will get this taken care of!

    Thanks for understanding our decision to make theis changew.
    See you on “The Trail”-

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