GNWC Wisconsin Championship Winners Press Release

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    For Immediate Release

    Guth, McCarty Maintain Lead to Win Wisconsin Championship of Walleye Fishing

    By Steve Weisman
    Gander Mountain GNWC Publicity Director
    The team of Tim Guth from Monico, WI and David McCarty from Pelican
    Lake, WI found out what a 1.63-pound walleye can mean! It meant a check for
    $7700 and the Wisconsin State Championship of Walleye Fishing title.
    The two-day championship was held at Green Lake and is the fifth of
    eight such tournaments on the Gander Mountain Grand National Walleye Cup
    (GNWC) circuit.
    Guth and McCarty’s 1.63 pounder was the only fish weighed during the
    Championships, which found the tournament teams fighting tough, cold front
    conditions that almost totally shut down the bite.
    “This is definitely the toughest tournament I have ever been a part of,”
    said Gander Mountain Grand National Walleye Cup(GNWC) Tournament Site
    Director Greg Liebel. “We all kept thinking that surely someone would find
    the secret, but nobody ever did. It goes to show that at times walleyes just
    plain won’t bite.”
    For Guth and McCarty, it was a shock that their 1.63-pound walleye held
    up, but it did and helped the winners walk away with not only the $7700 but
    also the Berkley Big Fish Award of $400 in Berkley product. They found the
    fish in the southwest corner of the lake in a trough or opening of a
    weedbed. They worked 5-6′ of water, pulling 1/8-ounce chartreuse jigs. The
    lone keeper came on a jig and nightcrawler combination.
    Several other teams won awards in special random drawings. These awards
    included three Yo Net folding nets, two VIB”E” Lure packets, a Towtector
    boat protector and the Gander Mountain “Need More Stuff” drawing for a
    Gander Mountain Shopping Spree.
    Bernie Barringer, GNWC Executive Director, echoed Liebel’s thoughts.
    “Man was this tough. However, it also goes to show that one fish can make
    the difference. In this case, the winners caught the only fish and walked
    away with everything.”
    Liebel added, “I do want to thank everybody who helped us from the Green
    Lake area. We had great volunteer help, which is always appreciated.”
    The Walleye Wisdom camera crew was also on hand to film footage of the
    Championship. “The Walleye Wisdom camera crew is at all of the State
    Championships to capture the excitement of the tournament action. The
    highlights of these State Championships and the National Championships,
    along with some great walleye fishing tips will appear on our 13-week
    Walleye Wisdom television program,” noted Barringer.
    Those interested in checking out the standings, reading the releases
    about any of the eight regions or simply learning more about the circuit can
    access the Gander Mountain GNWC website at
    Title Sponsor for the GNWC is Gander Mountain. Other major national
    sponsors include Skeeter Boats, Yamaha Outboards, the Sportsman Channel,
    Berkley, Aqua Innovations, YoNet Folding Nets by AMFYOYO, VIB”E” Lure
    Company, TowTector Shield and

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