2013 Saugerama Info

  • Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Mark Rehberg Memorial “Saugerama”
    October 19, 2013
    Evert’s Resort
    Mississippi River Pool 4
    7:30am to 3:00pm

    This tournament is being held in remembrance of Mark Rehberg who was killed in a deer hunting accident during the 2006 gun deer season. The river was a very special place to Mark, as he would spend as many days as possible fishing there. Mark was also a very avid hunter. He would spend as much time in the woods as possible, whether it was deer hunting, grouse hunting, or pheasant hunting. He was also a great friend to many, many people, and a great father and family person. This tournament was started so that people could gather for a day and spend it fishing, laughing, meeting new people, and to share the many stories that are out there.

    Entry Fee for two person team will be $60. There will be two optional big fish pots. One for walleye and one for sauger. $5 for each entry. Payback will be 80% to top 15% or top 3 places, depending on number of teams. 100% payback on each big fish pot.

    Weigh-in limit will be 8 SAUGERS with possession limit of 12. Walleyes do NOT count for your total weight.


    Many other prizes will also be available through a drawing after the tournament, so stick around.

    On-line pre-registration is encouraged on http://www.idofishing.com and will qualify to win a new custom made rod for doing so! You must pre-register on-line and fish the tournament to qualify. Cash only please.

    Boat number will be determined by the order you sign up on the website. Online registration will open at 6pm on Monday October 7th.

    Top 5 boats from the previous years finish will make up the first 5 boats this year.

    This tournament also qualifies as a Skeeter Real- Money Tourney for up to $3000 bonus from Skeeter and the Skeeter Boat Center! Additional details on the Real-Money program can be viewed at http://www.skeeterboatcenter.com/ .

    This event will take place at Everts Resort. For those wanting to launch elsewhere there is the option of Bay Point Park in down town Red Wing or Colville, just south of Red Wing. If launching elsewhere please come early and check in and let us know you came by boat.

    This is an informal and laid back event. There will be food and drinks after the weigh-in at the Bluffs Bar and Grill along with the door prize drawings and payout. So, grab your fishing partner and come join us for this great event.

    For more information Contact:
    Eric Rehberg (715) 829-2160
    [email protected]

    Feel free to post any questions you may have!! Hope to see a lot of you there this year!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    Looks like I just found something to do on my weekend off.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Look forward to seeing you Marc, that is if I dont see you before!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    I’m sure I’ll be in before then. Maybe pick your brain a bit for some sauger success

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    I am thinking I would like to try entering this,
    but when I click the links I am not finding it
    or am redirected back to this entry.
    What am I not getting?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071


    I am thinking I would like to try entering this,
    but when I click the links I am not finding it
    or am redirected back to this entry.
    What am I not getting?

    Your not missing anything. There isnt a post yet for sign up. The sign up post will be coming soon but will not be un locked/able to reply until Monday the 7th at 6pm.
    Once it is un locked at 6pm then you are free to sign up and that will determine your boat number.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    My son inlaw and I are planning to be there

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Looking forward to seeing you Dave, its been a long time!!

    Waseca MN
    Posts: 18

    Eric, with this govt shutdown and all fishing and hunting not being allowed on WPA’s and NWA’s, how is this going to affect the tournament?

    Posts: 7

    Am I missing something? Where is the registration link?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071


    Eric, with this govt shutdown and all fishing and hunting not being allowed on WPA’s and NWA’s, how is this going to affect the tournament?

    As far as I know it shouldnt effect it at all. That is unless Im missing something here??

    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    Gonna be having some beers at the bowling alley/bar next to rodeway hotel tomorrow night if anyone wants to stop by

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