REWARD for the Arrest of Largest Walleye

  • Anonymous
    Posts: 0

    A warrant for the arrest of the largest Walleye between July 15, 2011 and October 10 2011 has been issued.

    Charges are resulting from many lures being stolen.

    Reward is set at $250.00 to any fisherman launching out of Everts Resort.











    Posts: 1

    Sorry this is my first post but I have a bad taste in my mouth since my last trip to Red Wing and this post makes my blood boil. Never no way not happening will I ever go back.. I didn’t listen to the warning some of my friends told me about the place since dean left so earlier in june the wife and I launch there and were treated like dogcrap. we were screamed at for driving down the hill too fast and then treated like garbage for asking where to park like we should know where to park. We were driving like 8 mph!! There;s no way Id ever go back contest or not and to make matters worse there’s a chance the “dudge” might not even let me release a big fish I enter for what??????? $250?! Who cares. Here’s a novel idea how about you just treat people right on the front end and forget the gimmicks to get people to come back. Dean wqasn’t perfect but the new guy is horrible and this post drives makes me mad as heck again.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    All I can say is ….WOW !!

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Well said Dougie I too have been there once since Dean left. A friend of mine and I were treated very poorly. He could put a $1 million dollar prize out and I still wouldn’t go and give the new guy a dime.

    Posts: 247

    Sad to say this, but I feel the same way. Been there once and it was once too many. EXACT same thing happened to me. Won’t ever come back…

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 433


    Sad to say this, but I feel the same way. Been there once and it was once too many. EXACT same thing happened to me. Won’t ever come back…

    At least not till they get rid of Warren and Jim……

    Posts: 13

    Besides being a horrible idea that would likely result in HIGH mortality rates given the time of year isn’t it illegal to livewell fish, drag them around and release them later?

    Posts: 366


    All I can say is ….WOW !!


    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517


    Sorry this is my first post but I have a bad taste in my mouth since my last trip to Red Wing and this post makes my blood boil. Never no way not happening will I ever go back.. I didn’t listen to the warning some of my friends told me about the place since dean left so earlier in june the wife and I launch there and were treated like dogcrap. we were screamed at for driving down the hill too fast and then treated like garbage for asking where to park like we should know where to park. We were driving like 8 mph!! There;s no way Id ever go back contest or not and to make matters worse there’s a chance the “dudge” might not even let me release a big fish I enter for what??????? $250?! Who cares. Here’s a novel idea how about you just treat people right on the front end and forget the gimmicks to get people to come back. Dean wqasn’t perfect but the new guy is horrible and this post drives makes me mad as heck again.

    Welcome to IDO

    Posts: 1493

    Whoa, have I been outta the loop that long???? Dean left? Whats that about?

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Does Da Dudge know the difference between a carp and a walleye???

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    Just quit trying to make an attempt. FYI, way too late my brother from another.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2582

    It’s not like I will be participating for reasons already mentioned, but a true catch and release contest would be a whole lot better.

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    Wow,sounds like the guy is trying to mend the fences but no one seems to give him another chance or maybe they have i don’t remember all of the posts on the subject but i do know many were very negative. Not that ive been there under the new ownership so i can’t say how it is, but just guessing come the winter months through spring when all the other ramps are froze many will be back rather than not fish, that is if there ramps are properly kept open and the verbal abuse subsides may of us have been there for years, i can remember paying $3.00 to launch but never got yelled at and never complained about paying it was either that or sliding our boats across the ice in Alma dam i miss those days

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    i think there will be alot of sand/salt donated to the back channel landing these winter months and maybe even some determined other to help keep it open by breaking ice…….. i will definately use the back channel landing at all costs i do not like being pissed of early in the morning before i go out fishing, puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    haha sounds like they sould just give up on this site… i also agree that it should be a total cpr contest if u care about the fish. some guys have 50k rangers and well airated livewells but i know in my boat the fish would prolly die in about 10-20 mins..

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Honestly , this whole thing sucks. I do not know why Dean had to resign ,and please do not share with us any rumors because it is irrevalate. I take it the owner was not happy with somthing etc. Differences need to be mended and Dean put back in charge. Many people and kids including my own miss the experience . I will also say while it is informative to know good and bad products / experiences and share with us , no good will come to this site or the fishing community with repeative negative bashing about someone or their opinion IMHO.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Honestly , this whole thing sucks. I do not know why Dean had to resign ,and please do not share with us any rumors because it is irrevalate. I take it the owner was not happy with somthing etc. Differences need to be mended and Dean put back in charge. Many people and kids including my own miss the experience . I will also say while it is informative to know good and bad products / experiences and share with us , no good will come to this site or the fishing community with repeative negative bashing about someone or their opinion IMHO.

    Who even knows if Dean would want to come back? I can’t even imagine the number of hours he put into each day. I am sure it was a ton. May be it was time for him to recharge and head in a different direction.

    I have not been to Everts Resort since he has left, but I don’t think it will ever be the same experience. I will certainly miss my traditional Thanksgiving morning Pool 4 adventures.


    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708



    Honestly , this whole thing sucks. I do not know why Dean had to resign ,and please do not share with us any rumors because it is irrevalate. I take it the owner was not happy with somthing etc. Differences need to be mended and Dean put back in charge. Many people and kids including my own miss the experience . I will also say while it is informative to know good and bad products / experiences and share with us , no good will come to this site or the fishing community with repeative negative bashing about someone or their opinion IMHO.

    Who even knows if Dean would want to come back? I can’t even imagine the number of hours he put into each day. I am sure it was a ton. May be it was time for him to recharge and head in a different direction.

    I have not been to Everts Resort since he has left, but I don’t think it will ever be the same experience. I will certainly miss my traditional Thanksgiving morning Pool 4 adventures.


    You could quite possibly be right . Just wishing

    Posts: 928

    I haven’t been to the resort since Dean left so I can’t speak to the service there. What I can say is this is not a good contest. You are asking fisherman to hold onto 28″ + fish, put them in the wells and then had in to have the measured and pictured. As far as I know you can no longer throw them back and even if you could chances are they won’t survive. You have to understand that that size walleye is a trophy walleye. How many are going to be killed for what, a $250 prize? I would suggest making it a CPR contest, let people take a picture of it on a tape and turn that into you. Killing a bunch of trophy fish is not going to make a good name for the resort and it’s going to hurt the river.

    I would hope that whoever is in charge there actually knows something about fishing at the least but they should have a passion for it. This contest shows a blatant disregard to the fishery. It’s my opinion if you want to boost business you instill some good customer service. You’d be surprised that if you start treating people as if your job relies on it (which I’m sure it does) you would have the business you are looking for.

    Like I said, I haven’t been down there. I will make a trip down there in the fall. When I do I expect to be treated with respect. If I’m not you can bet it will be talked about and I won’t be back. If I am, then that will be talked about as well and I will be back.

    Posts: 247


    I haven’t been to the resort since Dean left so I can’t speak to the service there. What I can say is this is not a good contest. You are asking fisherman to hold onto 28″ + fish, put them in the wells and then had in to have the measured and pictured. As far as I know you can no longer throw them back and even if you could chances are they won’t survive. You have to understand that that size walleye is a trophy walleye. How many are going to be killed for what, a $250 prize? I would suggest making it a CPR contest, let people take a picture of it on a tape and turn that into you. Killing a bunch of trophy fish is not going to make a good name for the resort and it’s going to hurt the river.

    I would hope that whoever is in charge there actually knows something about fishing at the least but they should have a passion for it. This contest shows a blatant disregard to the fishery. It’s my opinion if you want to boost business you instill some good customer service. You’d be surprised that if you start treating people as if your job relies on it (which I’m sure it does) you would have the business you are looking for.

    Like I said, I haven’t been down there. I will make a trip down there in the fall. When I do I expect to be treated with respect. If I’m not you can bet it will be talked about and I won’t be back. If I am, then that will be talked about as well and I will be back.

    There is alot of foreshadowing already being posted here now about how your fall trip might end up being…

    Posts: 0

    Reveised Rules

    3.After the aresting walleye is caught it must be photograft with the color date tag that will be returned to everts resort that day

    4.when photographing the walleye On the tag must have two witnesses signatures . and the size and weight on the tag

    5. The judge will recorded all walleyes to be posted

    6. Only walleyes of 28″ or better should be turned in.

    Buffalo, MN. USA
    Posts: 75

    Well, I guess that covers it, we launch at public ramps, Unless the new management at everts pulls their heads out of thier a______. I like the fall bite, my even enjoys the fall trip. But maybe this year we’ll go farther south. As I will not/ would not put-up with type of actions.

    Boys bad news travels super fast on the internet freeway.
    WAKE-UP or go broke.

    Posts: 439

    Too bad good news doesn’t travel so fast.. We camped at Evert’s the weekend of the 16th and experienced nothing less than great service. This was the weekend of the horrible humidity and heat. Jim even went as far as to give us a fan to put in our tent on Sunday night so our girls would be comfortable.. Jim may have started off on the wrong foot with some but that shouldn’t keep everyone away. JMHO

    Thanks again Jim

    Posts: 12

    From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
    Subject: Thanks
    To: [email protected]
    Date: Monday, August 1, 2011, 9:51 PM

    Dear Everts Resort:

    I’m writing to thank you for a recent stay at your fishing resort in Hagar City. Your resort manager Jim was very friendly, helpful and accommodating to our group of 19 people. He went out of his way to make sure all of our needs were met while staying there. In fact, he went above and beyond to repair my father’s boat trailer. The trailer had been damaged while trying to put the boat back on the trailer the first day. The next day this was brought to Jim’s attention while the boat was in the water. Without further prompting Jim pulled the trailer over to his work area and replaced the carpeted support board that had been broken. The repair allowed us to continue fishing without the hassle and expense of replacing the board. When asked what was owed, Jim simply said “get out of here” and would not take a dime for his efforts or material. It was and is greatly appreciated! He went above and beyond the call of duty to help us out. Rest assured if we return to the area next year to fish, and we probably will, Everts resort will be our first choice. Thanks again for a great stay and Jim’s help.


    Mike Bradfield

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