Congrats Brett King

  • 2iceman
    Gem Lake, Minnesota
    Posts: 98

    Congrats on your 2nd AIM win, job well done out there, take care.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Congrats Brett! I’m glad your putting all those tips I gave you to use.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Congrats Brett

    Posts: 1564

    Way to go Brett!

    Posts: 217

    Thanks to all what an amazing deal. I really do not think it has set in at all yet what just happened and that plate of cash and the amazing trophy will never be taken for granted. I thank all that follow us it means a ton and my phone has not left my ear other then to sleep.If there are a few I have not gotten back to yet i apologize and mean that sincerely as cell phone service for me was very unreliable at Brimley. Thank you Bay Mills Casino and resort as well as AIM for the best payout in history I believe. I have been very fortunate the last 3-4 years of my fishing career and hope it can keep going with alittle luck. Thanks to Okada and Blosser as always and JT we missed ya man.

    Thanks again everyone

    Posts: 762

    Way to go, Scott and I will be waiting for our share!

    Posts: 83

    Way to go Brett, I was excited to see you in the lead the first day, I was rootin for ya! Congrats to your team you guys had it figured out on a tough bite. I will wait a week or two to call you to give your ear a rest. Enjoy the win again!

    Bill Shimota

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