Pool 4 Sunday Feb 13

  • Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1572

    Had the chance to take advantage of the nice temps and hit the water Sunday with my good friend John. Arrived at Everts around 8:30 and after taking care of a few things at the shop we headed for the ramp.

    Sunday morning was cold and provided a good reminder to let the trailers drain before driving up the ramps and to use the salt and sand for a little extra traction. After taking a quick spill myself we got the boat in the water and off we went. We fished many areas from the dam to town with only a kitty to show for our efforts. This one took a firecracker chart tail ring worm from about 20′ of water. We pitched wingdams, drifted current seams, fished both shallow and deep structure but not much going on. The water was clear and there was not much flow to move things around.

    Around 1:00PM we headed back towards the dam and the flotilla drifting the scour hole. We fished the fringe down to about 35-40′ trying to see if we could pick off a few around the edge but it really seemed like most of the fish were in the 40-60′ hole. Plastics did provide some action, both ringworms and paddletails, but minnows seemed to provide a more consistent bite. We ended up taking home a few eaters for a meal and hopefully learned a little too. There were some fish to be caught going downriver from the deep stuff but they were few and far between.

    This was the second time on the water for me this winter trying out the new Suffix 832 and for vertical jigging, you could not beat the feel that this provided.

    We fished until about 4:00PM – sure wish we could have stayed to try the evening and night bite. Maybe next time.

    Thanks as always to Dean and Brian, good to see you both. We’ll be back in a few weeks to try again.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks for releasing the cat and helping to get those scaly fish out of my river Dave!

    Nice report and I still think you should use that cat pic for your avatar.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Nice to see ya & thanks much for the update!

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Nice eaters

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 133

    Wi, Crawford Cty
    Posts: 108

    Nice mess of eaters

    Western WI
    Posts: 20

    Dave is the perfect fishing buddy. He is a great net man and he has a heated garage for his boat! He also doesn’t mind when I send all the fish home with him to clean, speaking of which Dave, did you eat the 6th fish on the drive home?

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1572

    Thanks John, no I cleaned the first one then decided I better take a picture for the post before I cleaned the rest..

    You just like that I like to sit in the back of the boat and let you run the trolling motor.


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