This time of year I look for the rip rap areas with deep water really close by, 20’+. Current has a lot to do with locating walleye on a shoreline as described above but this time of year with low flows those fish will be spread out over the shoreline.
Key areas are at the base of the shoreline rip rap where it meets the main basin of the river and areas with a slide or small rock point. The less aggressive fish will be caught right at the base of the rip rap, as the bite heats up look for the walleye to move right up close to shore in 6’of water or less.
In most situations a 1/8oz to 3/16oz jig will get the job done. The key is to have the right jig sized matched with the diameter of your chosen line, this will allow your bait to slowly sweep down along the rocks with out the extra needed hang ups.
One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners of this presentation make is to cast there offering up current. This will catch fish, don’t get me wrong, but until you have the confidence and experience on how to read what that jig is doing, the current is going to wash you right under the rocks making you discouraged having to re-tie all the time.
Best advice I can give a beginner is to cast at a 90degree angle from your boat to the shoreline and let the jig naturally do it’s work.
These are just a few tips on what works for my boat. James Holst, along with myself, made an educational video outlining this presentation from head to toe. It can be purchased by clicking on the link in my signature as well as Hooked on Fishing in Rochester and Everts Resort located just below Lock and dam #3 on pool 4.
Any more questions just ask away