Wabasha area open

  • mnfish
    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    Noticed 2 boats (Jon boats) fishing lower end of Pepin on Sunday. Looked like the eagles were doing better than these guys were. One boat came from the Nelson dyke area. Saw that he put in at the landing and came up the channel from the slough. Also saw a couple guys on the ice next to the dyke. Lots of open water there. I wouldn’t trust it on the ice. I would guess maybe 2 weeks or less for Pepin to go out. Some spots by Lake City and Hok-Si-La were almost open all the way across. Thw Wabasha Marina and Baypoint still iced up but give that about 2 weeks also and will be able to put in there. Hok-Si-La has ice heaves on it so might have to clear out to get in went ice goes out. I CAN’T WAIT! :C)

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