Dam 15 tail waters

  • Huntfish
    Posts: 8

    We fished the tail waters both 2/16 2/17 lots of action , had to sort through many small walleye to get a few keeper saugers.Not complaining though the bite was very consistant. Any color combo of jig and twister worked good,with or without bait. Good fishin

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Reading your mention of “many small walleyes” sure seems to point to an excellent spawn up and down the river from my personal observations, what you observed, as well as what I’ve heard others on various pools mention.

    Last spring flood was tough on the home owners but long-term it sure seems like we’re in for a bonanza a couple years down the road.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Hope you’re right about that James. DNR said the flooding of 93 would produce an excellent crop of fish for us in the lower pools, but they just didn’t show up. In fact, fishing for the years following 93 except for this last year has been pretty poor compared to before the big flood.

    Iowa, Davenport
    Posts: 144

    Yo – H&F, saw your post. Hopefully the guys thru ’em back,

    we need ’em to grow up ! The lock is shallow there, so the blatter thing won’t do any damage. This is also a good time to tell your buddies to but the fat females back also !! Hope to see ya on the water soon. Hey, ya might try Enchanted Island (see my fishreport) some good fish are still there!!!


    Kensyl Reading— EFN ProStaff

    Posts: 8

    I’ll be sure to pass along the releasing advice Kreading, I wanted to try Enchanted sat but it was to rough for me to run that far so I opted for the dam instead.But thanks for the heads up anyway, I’ll be sure to check it out soon. The next couple of years of Walleye fishing sure is looking good.

    Posts: 6

    Tell me more about Enchanted Island. I have neer fished it but remember reading about it. What do you catch, how do you fish it and what do you use?

    Thanks for the info.

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