i fished the upper end of pepin for the first time this year today,This area is one of my favorite places too ice fish and have fished it alot over the years but too be safe as we walked out we checked the ice in several spots on the way too find for the most part 6 inches of not so good ice and decided it would be safe for walking. we fished the entire day icing two nice sauger several stripers and missed 6 or 7 saugers at the ice due too our baits hooking the edge of the ice. we were fishing in 20 to 22 FOW fish came on jigging raps and fat head minnows. now back too that BAD ice, we walked out on the same trail we came in on and half way back i was following my buddy over 20+ FOW and my right leg went through up too my crotch then my right arm went through and i yelled and looked up too see my buddy still walking away from me not hearing me yell. very scary! luckily i pulled myself out with my right arm and crawled a few feet and got back on some hard ice! yelling at my buddy LOL too pay attention when i yell. i have been through the ice a couple other times in shallow water close too the truck but this time was an eye opener! i will not be traveling out on that lake until we get a long spell of cold cold weather. we talked too a guy at the landing who told us i was not the only one too go through today another guy went through up too his chest before pulling himself out. that same guy said that he had 11 inches of ice sunday and today at most had 6…… I HIGHLY RECOMEND NO TRAVEL ON THE UPPER END OF PEPINS ICE until we get better ice making weather. hers a pic from today of one of the saugers.
December 30, 2010 at 1:36 am