Head down river from the dam about a mile and go through Ackerman chute on the left. Very fast with more current than you’ll ever see on the Miss. Once out of the chute you can head back north to the spillway area(which might hold a few fish) or head down. The first few S turns past Schliechers landing might be good areas to get nosey in.
If you do head to the spillway be careful. There is actually 2 structures. The old one is under water right now and to get around that you must hug the west bank around the U. Go slow in this area.
With the summer and early fall being a total river wreck the numbers should be good. 
For baits, consider vertical presentaions with fatheads to start. This time of year, for some reason, a stinger hook really can pay off. Once you find a school you can always head back and work them however you want but for starters, drift as much as you can in long stretches
Hopefully I can start chasing some walleyes next week, after I scratch this dam musky itch
Good luck and please let us know how it goes