with all the rain and the river rising and then slowly dropping our up-coming weekend trip to alma is not looking so hot. from the looks of the corps website the river will be about 3 feet above normal when we arrive and slowly coming down. if a guy was targeting walleyes where should he concentrate his efforts? main channel seams, back slough seams, inside half of main channel wingdams, trolling w/lead core on pepin, etc. ,etc? obviously the amount of weeds in the water will also affect the presentaion, so maybe trolling will be totally out of the picture. i know there is a lot of wisdom on this website and am just hoping to pick ya’lls brains. i’ve just always had a hard time finding fish in these type conditions and the trip is kinda set in stone. thanks ahead of time for any ideas
August 16, 2010 at 2:26 pm