pool 4&5

  • riverking
    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    with all the rain and the river rising and then slowly dropping our up-coming weekend trip to alma is not looking so hot. from the looks of the corps website the river will be about 3 feet above normal when we arrive and slowly coming down. if a guy was targeting walleyes where should he concentrate his efforts? main channel seams, back slough seams, inside half of main channel wingdams, trolling w/lead core on pepin, etc. ,etc? obviously the amount of weeds in the water will also affect the presentaion, so maybe trolling will be totally out of the picture. i know there is a lot of wisdom on this website and am just hoping to pick ya’lls brains. i’ve just always had a hard time finding fish in these type conditions and the trip is kinda set in stone. thanks ahead of time for any ideas

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Assumng we dont get anothe monsoon… the backwater areas should be cleaning up nicely by the end of the week. I would really try to focus on the cleanest water available in the area you are fishing,current seams,current seams,current seams,current seams,current seams,did I mention current seams?Good luck!

    Posts: 1137

    Deep current seams or shallow seams?? The suface temp here in LaCrosse is in the low 80’s

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Deep current seams or shallow seams?? The suface temp here in LaCrosse is in the low 80’s


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    Fished the south end of pepin today. Surprisingly clarity was pretty darn good. There were quite a few weeds floating in certain areas but definately fishable. Did the leadcore deal, multiple depths, 3 ways in quite a few sweet spots. ZERO of legal size. Never seen it this tough this early. Everything seems to be 3 weeks early this year. Hopefully they start snappin 3 weeks early as well!!! You might find them, I sure didn’t find the snappin pod. Absolutely mind boggling to me how 99%+ of a system’s fish can completely decide they are not going to eat at certain time periods. Last week had 84 degree surface temp, today was 76 . Everything but eyes and saugs were eating our offerings. I hope you get em’ wish I could help!

    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    Ended up catching a few walleyes trolling cranks close to shore near riprap and and inside half of wingdams. Also caught a few shorts casting cranks to wingdams. The fish were not jumping in the boat by any means but that’s fishing. All in all the weather was nice and it was good to be out. Thanks for all the info!

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