Heading there this weekend for the first time this year. Hows the bite going.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Walleye » pool 14
pool 14
July 22, 2010 at 5:16 pm #888548
It was great before the water came up. Lately it has been high and muddy. You can try to fish the wingdams, but there is alot of water moving. Current is pretty strong. I’ve heard they are getting some down around the sand pits but I couldn’t tell you first hand. I think I’ll wait till the water comes down a bit.
Posts: 308July 23, 2010 at 7:56 pm #888818I just saw the corp. predictions for river levels. They project that the river will rise to flood stage by Monday. You’ld best stay home this weekend. There will be alot of muddy water, weeds and logs floating. Find yourself a lake somewhere. They got ALOT of rain in southern Wisconsin.
July 23, 2010 at 8:01 pm #888821Too late. John is on this way now. We are going to hit a few high water spots that have been treating us pretty good lately. I’ll let you know how things turn out.
July 24, 2010 at 1:06 am #888866The Miss has been very tempermental this year. The water has been high or the air temp to hot.
I have some time off next week and will be making a road trip to Lake Michigan.
Have only been on the river 3 times this year. Not much to talk about.
Gary RolschJuly 24, 2010 at 3:22 am #888876I just looked at the forecast, and now we are set to be a foot over flood stage already tomorrow, rising over 10 feet in less than three days. I don’t recall EVER seeing that fast of a rise, let alone mid-summer when it is usually slowing down to a snails pace. What a messed up year….
Posts: 136July 24, 2010 at 3:03 pm #888921Did a drive to lock&dam 13 this morning, all gates are wide open. It’s not supposed to crest till monday there. Johnson creek below the dam is just starting to run out of its banks. Thomson Causeway campground is closed.
Posts: 308July 27, 2010 at 11:35 am #889303Well it was not too bad sat but getting really bad fast. I fished friday late afternoon and had a ball chaseing stripers and bass with Tony.
It rained most of the night and the river was flying up. The only 3 spots that were fishable were the sand pits. First fish and only walleye was a 24″er. The rest of the day was large and smallmouth bass, northerns,sheapshead,redhorse,catfish.My client had a ball catching fish all day,just could not get the eyes going.Most fish came jigging, the rest came on leadcore.
July 27, 2010 at 3:39 pm #889365I was feeling your pain John! I stopped bye the ramp several times through the day while you where out, and could not believe how fast the water came up! Glad you where able to make it a fun day for your client. That had to be a really tough situation. Guiding on the river sure has it’s challenges. I hope your client appreciated your sacrifice and effort just to get him out that day, and then, to put him on fish was top notch!
July 27, 2010 at 4:10 pm #889375Thanks for sharing your boat with me on Friday Capt.Wapo.
I had a blast. I have to call Hutch today for an order of those great jigging spoons. Man,when the fish hit ,they just about rip the rod right out of your hands.
Hey Trigger. Next time we get out, we have to fish these spoons. What a vicious hit you get on them. There’s no mistaking a hit on these. You don’t have to be fast on the trigger either.eyedunno
Posts: 5July 27, 2010 at 9:24 pm #889451No secret at all. Here’s the link for them and many other great products. Hutch’s Red-Eye Shad Spoons
July 28, 2010 at 12:07 pm #889571You know you guys always have a seat in my boat. Yea John the water was sure ugly dodgeing trees comming down. Plus loading the boat at the ramp was alittle adventure. But all worked out ok. Looking foward to another trip in a few weeks when the water settles down. My client was amased on the hits on those jigging spoons, never seen them before.
July 28, 2010 at 8:15 pm #889459Sorry guys, I had posted that a local store carries these spoons, but they have “one eyes”, not the red eye jiggin spoon. My bad…
July 29, 2010 at 9:57 pm #889944Looks like its going to settle down nicely in about 2 weeks. I rigging the boat for erie so that means that 500lbs of lead come out!!!! HAHAHAHA. After that I will make it back out. I belive I have a double trip the end of aug.
July 31, 2010 at 11:01 pm #890221I’ll take some of that lead off your hands. And you know what lead I want.
August 2, 2010 at 8:54 pm #890519You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it’s me, I’m a little f#$^ed up maybe, but I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to f&*%in’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?
Joe Pesci (Good Fellas)
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