Dinasaur old boy,after reading thetechnic used by stillakid2 (old line in motor trick) in order to distract you brought tears to my old eyes.In fact I can hardly see the keys now.So I believe in fairness I will share with you a little,shall we say ,a proven advantage to older fisherman.This can be used in all types of endevers were skill and concentration are required.I have,and you will see ,that I have replaced long lost althtetic ability with treachery and down right cheating.When a chalenge is made,in this case ,who can catch more fish,except with following clause. I will accept only if I get 2 GOTCHYA,S.Your fishing mate does not know what gotchays are will not show his ignorance and except the contingencies.The technic is simple,I would call it close to gorilla warfare.You wait for your mate to catch a fish and call for the net,move fast and be ready,for this is the time to manuever into attact mode,wait for a critical point in the retrive,probably close to boat,this is probably the best time because he has seen the fish his heart rate is up and the excitment has him off balance. Now from the back slowly reach down and grab those two meaty globes and squeeezzzz!!!!,and yell GOTCHYA.now his mind is on somthing other that the fish and a quick will probably occure.If by chance this fish is still on his line,at this time it can be taken from his rod to yours. He is preoccupied at this time.If ther is a down side of this technic it is about to occure,but being a man of years should help you and your nose at this point.Now we have to examine the mental effect that just happened.the area in which we attacked is very sencetive and the thought of you having one more GOTCHYA may cause a condition called panic,in fact the thought of even having another bite may cause cardiac arrest,so being certified in CPR is very important,it also may be noted that recievers of the GOTCHYA may not need contracetives for it possible that the reciever will not funtion in that capacity again.Now you know the system,use it wisely and safly(cover nose after use) and Dinosuar I won,t tell Stillakid what you got planed,It,s our little secret OK !!!
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