Another piggy out of Everts on Pool 4

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I had the pleasure of netting this 11-pound walleye for fellow IDOer, Tom Gursky Monday morning. Tom is still on the water but gave the go ahead to post this pic. The pic does not do this fish justice (Tom is a pretty big guy) but she was a beast. We took a few quick pics, got a weight and she was released back into the Mississippi so one of you can have a shot at her.

    Congrats Tom! Thanks again for the use of the open seat on Monday and please thank your camp cook for the lunch!

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Beginners luck eh Tom? J/K
    Nice hog -Mark

    Posts: 299

    Nice fish Tom, i to had the pleasure of catching one of those pigs. Except mine was caught sunday pitching during the walleye searchers tournament.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Congrats Tom Great fish

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 225



    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171

    saw you guys out there, thought it was Tom but not sure. Nice fish our day not that eventful though
    And again, thanks Dean

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Hats off to you Tom.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    Nice “SUMO” TG !!!

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 173

    Nice fish!

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    Congrats Tom!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Great fish Tom Congrats, is she a personal best?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 17

    Very nice spring walleye, good job!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors John!!!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    Great fish Tom Congrats, is she a personal best?

    Had she not spawned she probably would have been my PB…I caught this very pregnant 30.25″ last April that weighed 11lbs 14oz for my current PB…

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