I finally made it down to pool 4 again after a long spell of no fishng. After a short stop at everts and some quick info from dean we were on our way. Our purpose for this trip was to test out my new 8’3″ Limit Creek Rods. We got on the water about 2 and our first pass we went all of about 10ft and my rod starts to double over, I set the hook and it was a beautiful 21″ eye. Set the rods back out and and start dragging again. We go a little further and I look back and my partner has one, then I turn to see that my rod is doubled ofer too. First double of the year!! Little did I know what was in store for us when the sun started going down. It slowed off for a couple hours as we switched up presentations to put the rods through their paces. Once the sun got below the trees we decided that it was about time to get back to dragging, good thing we did. For the next 2 hours or so we caught fish non-stop literally. We had several doubles and a few triples. It was my partners first time since october and his 2nd trip total to pool 4. He was thrilled with how the evening went. We caught our limit for the fish fry and threw back any over 18″ or less than 15″ and there were plenty to choose from.
I absolutely loved my new 8’3″ limit creek rod and it performed above my standards for dragging and pitching blades, but dragging is where it really shined.
As I said before you gotta love pool 4, and it’s shaping up to be a really good spring!!
February 28, 2010 at 5:26 pm