Pool 4 Friday 25th

  • Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Hey all. Just wanted to give a quick report. All this warm weather seems to be bringing out the cabin fever in everybody. Lots of calls coming in about the fishing, so hopefully this will help. I hate to say it, but overall the fishing was poor today. Mostly small or no fish for a lot of people. I did talk to some people that came in a little later in the afternoon that did good. The one boat said they caught about 100 fish today (3 guys). Mostly small fish, but still a lot of action. Another boat was cleaning 15-16 sauger in the cleaning shack. Most were on the small side, but they did have a couple nice ones. So the fish are there. I hate to give such a gloomy report, but just telling it like it is. Good Luck and if anybody else was out today that wants to share their catch, feel free. I know that many many people are wondering whats going on. Maybe someone can prove me wrong….I hope! Thanks.

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