Late season boat prep

  • smackem
    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Wasn’t sure where to post this but thought here would make most sense. OK so I finally got a boat/motors that I trust for late season runs up North. Here’s my check list please add if I miss some and I’m sure I will being I’ve never done this before.
    1.) Batteries charged
    2.) Life jackets out of storage and worn
    3.) Drain motors after loaded
    4.) Let boat drain off before heading up the ramp

    Do you guys treat your gas for 2 and 4 stroke?
    How do you handle the live well?
    Type of line for cold weather?

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Don’t use the live well pumps. Just fill the live well using a bucket. No need to fill it all the way up either. I will usually only have 4 inches of water at the very most in the well if I need to use it.

    I will usually wipe down the shaft of the trolling motor every time I raise it. This helps prevent freezing.

    I am sure there i more. I just can’t think of any right now.


    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Oh yeah the motors, how do I handle the main and kicker when not being used? Leave down?

    Posts: 3681

    Motors if they have been in the water leave in water.

    Wipe troller shaft with silicon wipe or armorall.

    Bring a cooler if you plan on keeping fish.

    Carry a jump box,because somtime you WILL need it and they are cheap nowdays.

    I use seafoam in the winter,4 stroke

    Mono when its below 32,there are many good lines and every one has a favorite.

    Respect your ramp mates and drain trailer at edge of water.

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Need to find some of that seafoam for the kicker. Thanks for the input. The jump box will be in my boat We missing anything?

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 24

    In this cold weather the temperature is cool enough where you can use a cooler with river water. This weekend there calling for a high of 35 – 37. That is close to freezing.
    I would not use the pumps as was mentioned because water expands when it freezes. Can crack the plastic pump, plumbing.
    Carry some jumper cables.

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