Pool 2 11/22

  • jakeh
    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    Started the day pitchin to wing dams which turned out to be slower then expected. Decided to switch gears and send the three ways down and cover some water. This put a good number of 14-20″ eyes and saugers in the boat. F7s and 2 oz of lead in 12-16 fow worked best. Before calling it a day we hit a couple more dams and hooked up with this big girl. She went 29.75″. See ya down there.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Great looking eye! I’m glad you had a safe successful day.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13446

    Thats a nice fish Jake. What did she hit? Looks like she has been eating more than just plastics.

    Posts: 604

    jake, great fish there pal. i was wondering what kind of structure you are targeting with 3ways on pool 2. I had a rod rigged from being in red wing and thought i might give it a try the other day if things slowed down and never got it out. Just curious.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Atta boy Jake! Nice fish.

    I don’t get my trailer fixed soon and you guys keep catching fish like that, I will lose my mind.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    great looking walleye, Jake,

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Nice Jake!

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Congrats on the big fall piggy Jake!

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997


    What did she hit?

    3/16 head and a firecracker/chart paddle tail.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Way to go Jake! I’ve thought about messing with 3-ways lately. I might give that a try aound the confluence this week. Later sir!


    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    Here is a pic of one of the heavier eyes that have made it to the boat this fall. She went 28.5″ and weighed 11 even.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13446

    What a great fish Jake. You guys sure have been on them down there.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Man Jake !!! YOU ARE ON FIRE !!!

    great job !!

    Ham Lake,MN
    Posts: 60

    Those sure are a couple bruisers. Going to give it a try Tues evening down there, sounds like the guys dragging jigs may be doing a little better than the pitchers. What are the best locations for dragging? Do you stay close to the shoreline structure or work around the dams. Last time I was down there it looked like they were going to close the road going into the 494 bridge access, is it open yet.

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    The 494 landing was open all weekend.
    I have not had much luck dragging… All my fish have come pitching.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13446

    We have been dragging in mostly 5 to 10′ of water.

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