This isn’t class 101 because that class happened on the dock at Everts.
The ex friend that I will from now on refer to as asked if I wanted to come along and learn the style of blade bait fishing. Since I’ve been looking at these funny looking stamped out pieces of metal with hooks, I’ve wanted to learn the art.
So out we went. 200 hp motor went way too fast for me to tell exactly where we were fishing, but it didn’t matter anyway.
Once had the anchor out, he was pitching to the shoreline while I was trying to get one of the treble hooks out of the hook keeper and my finger. By the time I had my second cast, had a white bass up to the boat and plopped it into the water right in front of me. By the time I had my 4th cast in, his first walleye was to the boat.
I said “hey , aren’t you ‘spose to be teaching ME?”
He said he teaches by example. Now I wanted to call him smart .
Ok, I’ll shorten the 2 hour story.
I didn’t count the eyes or saugers he caught, but I did count the sheephead! Well, all I can say is that took my self esteem and dropped it into the bottom of the river, in the deep part.
I did have two fish on, one that came unhooked and another that swam into a snag. Seriously, it was if anchored the boat just so I was over the snag.
Learning the ropes using a blade isn’t exactly coming naturally to me, but I’m not giving up! No matter how many of your baits I lose!
Ok Jeff, you whooped me this time, but that’s like whooping someone in Texas Holdem when they’ve never seen a playing card before…don’t get a big head.
Until class 103.
BTW The photo is of and his 25 incher pulled out from right under my bait.