Feels like fall on pool 14?

  • mikez
    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    Got out yesterday morning and while it’s still kind of early, it really had the feel of fall. Water temperatures slowly coming down, cool northeast wind putting a chop on the water, and duck hunters poping away in the back waters.

    For me, it’s been a tough year for eye’s on pool 14 but, I never seem to learn or give up. So to change my normal pattern up a bit, fellow IDO’re holennet and I thought we’d give it a try early in the morning. By 630 A.M. we were anchored on one of my favorite wing dams in the Camanche area, just hoping to catch anything!

    Things started pretty slow with not even a bite for about the first hour, or at least I think so. (They were biting so light, it was hard to tell.) Anyway first fish was a 20.5 inch eye that came to the boat at about 8 A.M. Over the next several hours we boated about a dozen, maybe a dozen and a half eye’s. Most were short but had two keepers, 16 and 19 inch, with two over the size limit at 20.5 and 23 inches. (We also managed 3 sheephead, a red horse and two small white bass.)

    We tried several presentations, cranks, jigs, etc. but, every fish we caught came on a simple crawler rig floated across the face or on top of the wing dam. The fish were biting VERY lightly. High vis line was almost a most!!! They either nipped at it like little bait robber cats or blue gills or, the line would go slack and thighten up a little bit as if the waves were moving your bait back and forth. (Lord only knows how many fish we may have missed until we figured it out! )

    Anyway, not too bad of a day for us. Here’s a picture of holennet’s (Bill’s) 23 incher, (big fish of the day). Sorry for the picture quality, it doesn’t do the fish justice and all I had was my cell phone camera. [/image]

    Posts: 15

    Excellent report, good timing for me I have six boats full of friends from the Chicago area coming to stay this week at my river cabin. Usually a tough bite for them they allways want to go to the dam(sheephead). Anchoring on wing dams especially near Camanche will be alot of easier and save alot of gas. Maybe this year will have that fish fry? WE don’t know much but we are learning. What a great site. Thanks for the info Speed Trolling.

    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    I really hope that helps you and your friends put some fish in the boat and frying pan Littl Clear!! Truth is there are others that are on this site that seem to do a lot better than I do, especially this time of year so check all their posts.

    The true keys for us were matching the sinker wieght to the current. Just enough to keep the bait near the bottom but, light enough so the current could carry it up and over the wing dam. Also, have plenty of crawlers. We went through about 4 dozen crawlers in about 4 hours, and they ain’t cheap now a days. And last but not least remember, any unusual line movement just might be a fish!!!

    Hope you and your friends do well, and good fishing!!

    Let us know how you do!!!!

    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    fished a little on friday and saturday from princeton to camanche and the bite was a little off for us as well. we managed to put a couple eaters in the boat and released several shorts and slot fish. caught our eaters on the wingdam tops with cranks. the shorts and slots came from dubuque rigs in front of the tips or right over the tips in the most flow. all but one came on the dropper jig and all the bites were very light and timid, just a tick and then you’d better set the hook. the weather was fantastic! did catch a nice northern in the lower sand pit trolling a crank. just made one pass on the north end, probably weighed 6-7lbs, would make a great fish for a fry if you know how to fillet out that Y-bone.

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