pool 16 report

  • toddcarnes
    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Got out tonite for a few hours for some trolling ,The Wind made fishing in certain areas a nightmare, but we were able to manage half a dozen nice fish in 8 to 10 fow pulling #5 jointed shad raps, best luck tonite was on perch color.we also got the pleasure of taking a friend out who hasnt been around this area long and has never been on the mississippi or ever fished for walleye.she did a great job of landing sevarl nice eyes in the 22 to 24 inch range along with her share of catfish and drumb. She was also a very quik learner at running rods and helping control the boat while we where regrouping after fish, I think she might be hooked! enjoyed havin you along emily ,look foward to more trips out with ya. we caught one small sauger and 2 short walleyes the a 22 in 20.5 a 24 and one 27inch . water clarity is real good in spots and not to bad anywhere, however alot of leaves in the water. will post a pic of bruce and emily with a double going and some of the other fish from today.by the way she even held her own fish!

    Posts: 3681

    Way to hook em!

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Just talked to a buddy of mine last night in Andalusia, asked him if he fished. Nope to windy he said. Looks to me like you faired pretty well.

    Milan, IL. Pool 16
    Posts: 62

    Nice post Todd. Picking a few up on the wingdams also. Definitely windy on Sunday.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Good to see you putting those rods to use and nice fish too !

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 24

    Nice report. Jointed Perch #5SR? How far back? Did you flatline or use planars? I have used planar with good success on the wingdams.
    I have tried #7 SR, do not do well with them.
    Are you spooled with mono or braid, 10 lb?
    Where do you slip in at?
    I plan to get out this Thursday early afternoon. Will slip in at Sunset. Will try the wingdams adjacent to the channel or deep water, and points or islands near wingdams and deep water. I have a feeling the walleyes will get into their summer mode.
    Will give a report.
    Keep a tight line.
    Gary Rolsch

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Gary, we were running 2 rods with lead core out of the back of the boat and 2 off the sides with 14/6 fireline ,no planers. The braid we had to run about 170 ft back to hit bottom and the lead about 100ft. as far as the # 7 shad raps we have good luck with them also ,seems like a little earlyier in the year on the sraight #7 the jointed # 7 dont seem to work to well for me ever but thats probaly just cause i have confidence in the #5 so i use them alot. I alawys put in at sunset ,Ill be out friday morn at 5.30 am till dark. good luck

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Dean, Those rods are awesome! thank you very much and Thanks for getting them here so fast! I know its been posted a million times, But for anyone who hasnt heard about them, If your looking for a good lead core rod get ahold of Dean He carrys a couple real nice ones for about 50 bucks and he will get them to you fast .

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 24

    Do you run a full core, half or several lenghts?
    I do not run lead core on the Muddy, on Lake Michigan I do.
    On the Muddy I run crawler harness(50 feet, snap wt, 50 feet, then planar)
    I run cranks on snaps either 1/2, 3/4, 1 ounce 20 feet in front of the crank.
    I use the Troller’s Bible by Mark Romanack.
    Take care neighbor.
    I’ll let you know how I fair.
    Keep a tight line.
    Gary Rolsch

    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    Nice fish Todd ,you really got the trolling thing dialed in . Good luck this weekend.!

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