Walleye’s Pool 15 (pics)

  • first-light
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 24

    pic 1 21 in/3 lb.
    pic 2 27 in/6 lb.
    Caught using #5SR, yellow/orange. Bigger fish, several cigars. Several sauger.
    6 – 10 fow, planar boards 50 – 100 feet back. Wingdams.
    Crawler harness ; a no go to many drum, big drum at that.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Nice Job

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    thanks for the report welcome to the site

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    Way to go Todd. Things have slowed a bit up here. Sure wish the water would clean up. Once the mayflies start to hatch, I’m sure it will get hot!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 24

    Say we are practically neighbors. I live in Moline.
    I slip in at Sunset mainly. Occasionally in Albany and Thompson.
    I hear that pool 14 is on fire.
    I will give 15 a try Tue or Wed. The Miss’s (river that is) is a little angry with all that rain. I will let her calm down.
    Again, that was a nice fish.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 77

    I was on Pool 14 on Thursday and based upon my experience it is not on fire. I did not even have a bit in about 4 hours. Now I will have to admit it that it rained just a little that day. It was dirty and fast.

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    Yes, things on 14 have slowed down alot. Until that water clears up a little, things are going to stay slow.

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