Pool 14 5/17 – 5/18

  • mikez
    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    Managed to hit Pool 14 both Sunday and Monday. Threw just about everything I had at them on Sunday. Cranks, Jigs, Bobbers, harnesses, minnows, crawlers and leeches. All of which amounted to three small white bass for the effort!

    Monday was a bit better. Pulled cranks in the sand pits and boated 5 walleye, (4 short and 1 long), and 6 Crappie, (1 nice 14 incher). All were released. I think the cloud cover and light chop made a big differance!

    (Also wanted to give a big shout out to the 2 A-holes in the flat bottom who made the high speed pass, 10 to 15 yards behind my boat while I was pulling crank baits! At least I know my cranks are running deep and true! I also enjoyed how you thought it was a good idea to run at high speed from one boat to another, then park right on top of them, just because they might be catching fish! I’d really like to tell you where to go but, I don’t think the devil owns a boat so you probably wouldn’t be able to find it!! )

    Dispite the little amateur hour side show, a good day on the water!!

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    Thanks for the update! As long as the rain and wind stay under control I will be out this weekend. I am tired of yardwork!

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    This may sound like a fish story, but I have witnesses and pictures to back up my story. My brother and I fished pool 14 on Sun. the 17th. We started out down river by the old riverboat. Caught one 19″. So we decided to go up by the dam. In four hours we boated 15 Walleyes. 12 of them were over 20″. We had a 26″, a271/2″ and one Pig that went 30″. All on gigs and crawlers. All are back swimming to be caught another day. I’ve caught more fish in one day, but NEVER that many BIG fish. We were giggling like little kids. Also caught four or five nice stripers and about a 10lb flathead. The dirty water didn’t seem to matter. If you put it in front of them, they smacked it.

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    Wow! I needed a confidence builder and that was it. One more day of work and I am there!!

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Now I’m really happy I finally get to hit the river tomorrow! I’ve not heard much good of late, and have not been out since late March, but I’ll be pounding the water in the morning! Thanks BigMuddy! I’ve gotta get the winter stink off, it’s been a very busy year for me, but it’s time to put the honey-dos aside and spend some quality time on the water!

    Missoula MT, Eldridge IA
    Posts: 125

    Thanks for the info Big Muddy!!! I for one, do believe your story, but would still love to see the pictures. May have to try the dam area next week when I can get out. Thanks!!!

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    My brother and I both agree that we will never in our lives have another day like that again. We couldn’t believe what was happening. We just got into a pod of BIG fish. They were all in about a twenty to twentyfive yard area. And if you weren’t throwin’ pink, you weren’t gettn’ bit. All came out of about 12 feet of water and the bait had to be flowin down with the current. If you were pulling it against the current or tryn’ to hold it, they wouldn’t bite. But if it was flowin’ down with the current they would grab it and head right for the boat. When you felt the hit you had to drop your rod and reel in the slack before you set the hook or you couldn’t get a good set. Good Luck them pigs are still there.

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