Pool 4 report march 21 – 27th.

  • wingdam1
    Milan, IL. Pool 16
    Posts: 62

    Fishing was tough this past week. With rising water and winds at 25-35 mph we did manage a few fish pitching ten foot of water or less with 1/8 to 1/4 oz jigs with ringworms. Here is a picture of my fishing partner Larry with his PB caught on Wed March 25th. Released to fight another day. Hope Dean got his cookies we delivered on Monday. Pool 4 is truly an awesome fishery.

    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    Great guiding job wingdam! You made made the best of a bad bite and weather conditions. That replica will look great on Larry’s wall. Hopefully next year we can be there at the same time.

    Posts: 1

    I am writing to thank wingdam and larry for sharing a productive spot. My fiance and myself were able to take our personal best out of the same area. Both fish were released to swim another day. Thanks guys. I will post pics as soon as i figure out how to do it.

    Posts: 149

    Great fish wingdam What was the weight

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Looks like the fish ate your cookies!!
    Congrats on your PB

    Milan, IL. Pool 16
    Posts: 62

    Fish was 28 inches and 10.25 lbs.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Congrats & ty for the cookies!

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