Pool 16 Sylvan Slough

  • hnd
    Posts: 1583

    they are biting.

    hitting on white and chart.

    the sauger females are in and fat and the only walleyes we caught were males…a fwe more days until teh females get in i guess.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    Thanks for the post. Might get out this afternoon.

    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    Nice mess of fish!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Now that looks tasty

    Posts: 1583

    back out today for a few hours…

    caught 12…8 worth keeping. luckily my partner didn’t catch any worth keeping so i kept the extra 2 for 2 fish fry’s this weekend.

    will have pics up….a few guys caught a few but i had the touch today…

    this is from shore by the way…

    4″ munchies in charteuse were the ticket on a 1/4 oz jighead. cast into the current drag back through the slack water 5 seconds to turn one crank….just real slow…

    more pics of todays to come

    Posts: 1583

    these are from yesterday…2 today…a bit too windy today….

    Iowa City
    Posts: 56

    Excellent job!
    Nice to hear reports from the QCA.

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