But now…well maybe I should look into it. Since I didn’t get a weight or the girth on her, could I really get a good replica? I think the pictures are pretty good that based on the length they should be able to figure out the “height”, but can they really get a good girth without the measurement since it looks like she swallowed a football?
The thing about replicas is I hear some of them don’t even look like the fish that was caught. Since replicas are not cheap, I would want it to represent the fish as close as possible and not just look like something I could have bought at a store? Anybody have recommendations?
Check out Artistic Anglers website. They simply do the best work. He does all my fish and I think they look better than real mounts. http://www.artisticanglers.com/
You can get a rough girth. Use your finger, fingernail, nose, something that you can measure on the picture. Looking at your pics, I’d use your right ring finger up to the second knuckle. Measure the same object in real life. Now, x = size of real life object and y = depth of fish in real life. x/y = 1x/1y. 1x= size of object in pic, 1y = depth of fish in pic. Now there are some assumptions here. Once you get the DEPTH of the fish on the pic, you can multiply that by 2. That gives you both sides of the fish. Then you need to try and remember how THICK the fish was. If it was 6″ thick then use that. So it would be (Depth X 2)+(Thickness X 2) should give you a close measurement of girth.
B Curtis, if you have any questions, shoot me a PM. I’d be happy to help you figure that out.