Pool #10 or #9 Help

    Kossuth County, Iowa
    Posts: 4

    Hi to all on IDO. I have been reading here for awhile and now decided to join and ask for a little help. I have decided to try my luck on the Mighty Miss this Sat.the 14th. I will be a virgin to this water and I think I want to fish somewhere between Praire and Linxville dam. I am looking for an idea as to where will be a good place to unload the boat safely and where to get bait at 7am in the mourning. Will there be a charge to unload or park? Where should I try fishing and not really have to worrie about underwater hazards. I have GPS with navaonics chip does this show contours of the river like where the wing dams are? What has been working for pike and walleye. I like walleye but I would like to see my Dad hook into a big pike because he loves to catch them. Nobody has to tell me there secret hot spot but just some general info as to what to start with like color or bait. Thanks for any info.

    Posts: 3835

    There is a good launch just below the dam. I’d put in there. For bait I would use plastics from bfishntackle.com plastics. I would concentrate on the first mile or two down from the dam and hit current breaks. I haven’t fished there yet this year but it should be hoppin soon if not already. Don’t be afraid to fish running cuts just below the dam on the Ia side.

    PS it is actually pool 10 below Lynxville dam. 9 is below Genoa also very good this time of year.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    Welcome to IDO.

    Lynxville to Prairie is poll 10 big guy. I don’t fish down there to much. I would say you best bet would be to fish the lock and dam in Lynxville.

    I know there are some members that make their home on pool 10 hopefully they wil help you out.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    Well now that they have told you it’s P10. It depends your type of fishing. There are a few wing dams and holding dams on the way down from the dam to the landing. You won’t be able to get bait at the falling rock because it’s under new ownership and may no be open quite yet. Stop in McGregor and hit Fiddler’s Bait shop. He is open around 6am. Good ole boy there. If you want northern, go up to the lock and hit the east side of the last wall. It would be between the wall that you can walk out on and the shore. Throw 1/2oz. rattle traps and fish them somewhat slowly. Don’t burn em, but there are some good pike to be had in there and they have been in there every year for a long time. Ringworm’s and hair for the walleyes. If you want saugers but there won’t be much size go out in the middle and vertical jig. Make sure you watch which locks are open so you can fish the eddie’s coming off those. Good luck.

    Posts: 22

    There is also a lot of good ice in the area around Prairie. Gills and crappies have been hitting good. There is also a bait shop on Cty K just north of PDC. It is about 3 miles north of Cabelas on Hyw 35, turn left onto Cty K and it’s about 1/2 mile on the left, Cty K Pit Stop is the name. Water was low, river at 8.2 this A.M., down .2 from yesterday. Good luck and have fun.

    Kossuth County, Iowa
    Posts: 4

    Sorry about the #9 thing I knew it was called pool 10 I was just thinking dam #9 and south. Thanks for the replys. Would anybody think it would be a better idea to pass up dam nine and fish above it between 8 and 9 somewhere. Better fishing maybe or not. What would you guys do if you were comming over for the first time? Thanks again!
    We will have fun anywhere we go, just to be on soft water will be worth something to me.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I drove by Lawler Park tonight after work and it’s all froze in….

    Now maybe the nicer weather will open it up tomorrow but with a low of 15 tonight it’s gonna make more ice tonight !!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    I am hitting pool 9 at Victory in the morning, I will let you know how it goes.

    Kossuth County, Iowa
    Posts: 4


    I am hitting pool 9 at Victory in the morning, I will let you know how it goes.

    Report?? How ya Do??

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    We put in in Victory and headed north with the result being no fish. Once the sun finally made an appearance in the the afternoon we headed south. We found one fifteen yard strech of water holding some big fatty saugers and a couple of snagged sturgueon. We concentrated on that spot and put together a nice batch of fish.

    We were using plain leadheads with yellow grubs and no minnow.

    Kossuth County, Iowa
    Posts: 4

    Nice job on the saugers. We fished below dam nine at falling rock on Saturday and all we were able to manage was about 12 eyes and they all were just below the 15″ mark. Went home empty this time but I had a blast and their will be a next time. Probalbly around 30 or 40 boats in the mourning but everybody started to leave the area around noon so I think the luck was about the same for everyone.
    Needs to warm up a bit I’d say.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    That’s why we went to Victory so we didn’t have all the company. I only saw three other boats and they didn’t get anywhere near us or the fish for that matter. Not that I saw anyway.

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