
  • HommeDeNord
    Independence, Iowa.
    Posts: 82

    I made a post last week about our fishing day and have been thinking since. We were fishing in 18 to 22 feet of water catching small fish all over. Pretty much everywhere we went. Looking for bigger fish, and staying out of the deep water. I was so sad to see the line of 35 boats straight down the gut of pool 10 all lined up in 35 to 40 feet of water. I would have to believe that none of you reading this were there. But the two guys I had with me keept wanting to go over with the pack telling me they were watching those guys slaughter the fish. LOL. We caught 80 fish from 6am to 6pm. I kept telling them Im not going to go over there and take part in the fish kill. They actually got pissed at me, and I had to pull the old guess whos driving the boat comment. My question is, do all of these people not care what they are doing to the fishery when they are out there in 35 to 45 ft of water…and yes slaughtering fish. And if they do, and dont care….shame on them. Sorry for venting…but after watching that all day. I am a true believer that at all dams on the mississippi there should be no fishing until after the spawn. Am I wrong guys. It just made me wonder everytime I saw one of them pull in a fish and toss it right back out what the mortallity rate was for that day. Hypothetically…35 boats times 100, if the mortallity was 50% 1500 walleyes died that day. That is sad.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    If those individuals were fishing legally then its a State Fisheries problem…Doesn’t sound good to me, especially if those fish were taken up from 40 fow… There are restricted areas near dams such as P-4 during the spawning season, to protect the females.

    Independence, Iowa.
    Posts: 82

    I believe there are no restrictions on pool 10. Maybe I should just mind my own business. and do my own thing.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I think you did right by staying out of there. This has been going on since the dams were built I imagine. I believe that is one of the reasons Ia and Il have a closed season on fishing below 3 of the dams for a determined distance downstream. I just hope they find good results from it. Since Wi. won’t go along with the closings, one way to cure this slaughter would be to mark off the deep water areas with buoys and anyone fishing in these areas would be subject to special rules for said areas. Something like; 6 fish limit, no size limit, no cull, you catch your 6 fish and you’re done for the day.
    Enforcement would be a monster, but if enforced like it should/could be, most if not all of those people would get tired fast of taking home a limit of 8 to 10 inch fish and only have been able to be out there for a short time.

    Posts: 1583

    its been happening for years and our walleye fishery here in pool 16 is strong. to each their own. when we fish in 30+ feet of water we always slow crank them. thats what my grandfather always taught us anyway…

    Fort Atkinson, WI USA
    Posts: 336

    With people being unemployed and not having jobs, we are going to see alot of fishing pressure everywhere. I feel some will be true sportmen and take a few home for the pan and the rest will take everything home for the freezer. I am seeing this happen in my area and I have to learn to deal with it.

    Independence, Iowa.
    Posts: 82

    The (MICRA) Sauger managenent investigation was a collaboration of many states fisheries management officials, this extensive research project states that from (75%-90%) of saugers and walleyes taken from the tail water scour holes 30ft and deeper have a mortality rate of up to (90%), due to pressure changes in the air blatters. Reeled slow or not. All of these fish would have to be fizzed to help decrese the mortality rate prior to release. Yes, because the entire mississippi basin dnr management officials, have not agreeded yet to suspend fishing below the tailwaters along the entirety of the mississippi river, it does put a bit of responsibility at this point, until this decision becomes agreeded along the entirety of the mississippi river in the hands of the sport fisherman to fish responsibility. To each there own, in deciding to fish responsibily. If you dont care, you dont care. Some people are like that.

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    I fish L&D 13. Have been doing it for over 40 years. In all that time I have not seen such an improvement in the Walleye populations as I have in the last few years. It’s all because of the closing of the doms to fishing from Dec. 1st to March 15. It’s not so much for protecting the spawn as it is to keep those IDIOTS from fishing in the winter months and pulling those fish up from 30 and 40 feet of water. Even if they let the fish go, the mortality rate goes way up. Either they die because they can’t compensate for the pressure difference, or they are picked off by the eagles as they stuggle on the surface. I have never agreed with that kind of behavior. Once the fish settle into there overwintering in the tailwater – LEAVE THEM BE!! Go fish down river, but stay away from those deep water fish. You are only hurting yourself. On all my years on the river, the one thing that I have found, is that the guys who complain the most about the fishing being bad are the guys who disreguard the rules and limits the most.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Big Muddy said it better than I could.

    Iowa City
    Posts: 56

    I agree close all the tailwaters Dec 1 to March 15.
    It may be unpopular but it will pay off!

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