I made a post last week about our fishing day and have been thinking since. We were fishing in 18 to 22 feet of water catching small fish all over. Pretty much everywhere we went. Looking for bigger fish, and staying out of the deep water. I was so sad to see the line of 35 boats straight down the gut of pool 10 all lined up in 35 to 40 feet of water. I would have to believe that none of you reading this were there. But the two guys I had with me keept wanting to go over with the pack telling me they were watching those guys slaughter the fish. LOL. We caught 80 fish from 6am to 6pm. I kept telling them Im not going to go over there and take part in the fish kill. They actually got pissed at me, and I had to pull the old guess whos driving the boat comment. My question is, do all of these people not care what they are doing to the fishery when they are out there in 35 to 45 ft of water…and yes slaughtering fish. And if they do, and dont care….shame on them. Sorry for venting…but after watching that all day. I am a true believer that at all dams on the mississippi there should be no fishing until after the spawn. Am I wrong guys. It just made me wonder everytime I saw one of them pull in a fish and toss it right back out what the mortallity rate was for that day. Hypothetically…35 boats times 100, if the mortallity was 50% 1500 walleyes died that day. That is sad.
March 7, 2009 at 5:29 pm