Excellent question and one that is and has been a topic of conversation amongst Dustin, Steve Vick and I recently. I welcome the opportunity to participate in the discussion although I’m not sure I’ll have anything to offer that will be considered a concrete “for or against” vote in either direction as I have mixed feelings about this subject as well.
Personally I’m all for selective harvest. People should be able to keep, guilt-free, a limit of carefully chosen “eaters” appropriate for the body of water being fished, any time they can legally do so. In MN that means a max of 6 fish in possession. Not 6-fish limits per day fished with multiple limits in the freezer. Keeping, cleaning and enjoying fish as a meal is vital to the future of our sport and to deny people either the right or the ability to do so free from guilty stares and harrassment from other anglers is going down the short road to the destruction of our sport. More on “why” regarding this aspect some other time if people are interested in starting that thread.
On the “against” side of this it is possible that people will see those pictures and perceive a lack of stewardship of our resource, a “kill ’em all and hang ’em high” mentality being pushed by the people posting those pictures. I have had people approach me with that concern before. I openly talked with them about this subject as I do now here. I do not know of or have any evidence to show people are killing more fish, larger fish or keeping fish more often as a result of those pictures through contact with anglers or from what I see taking place around me. I have personally been concerned enough about this possibility that in my last two reports with a stringer shot I took the time to add a paragraph about the CPR ethics that ruled the day regarding all the females we could sort from the males as well as all the larger over 20″ fish we let go JUST IN CASE someone might misunderstand the photos. Just to refresh… those posts are quoted and linked below.
Report – 11/22/03 This last photo is a pic of the group, Don Strom, Mike Flynn and Byron with a stringer shot of their fish for the day. The guys were great about weeding out the over 19 inch for as well as any females we could spot but we do have on 18.5 inch sauger in there we REALLY wish we could have released. Some of these fish were so agressive today that they would inhale the ringworms right into their gullets. All but this one were released carefully and quickly but sadly even those with the best intentions end up accidentally kill one they wish they hadn’t now and then.
Report – 11/20/03 Dave and Ed are shown in this second photo with a 2-man limit of walleyes and saugers from 15.5 – 18 inches. About a half dozen fish over 20 inch were cheerfully released by these guys as well as a number of the super-fat 19 inchers they deemed much to nice for eats! Super job guys. We all appreciate the Selective Harvest and I personally look forward to fishing with you guys again soon as I had a great time myself.
The “for” side of things…
What in the heck does Selective Harvest mean? What does it mean on “my” body of water?
These are question that can be answered with a quick explaination but is best demonstrated for effect. When Dustin and I started running out of Everts Resort the mentality of the campers, all of them good folks and many of whom had been coming at the same time of year for many years, was a “kill all the biggest you can lay hands on and do it again tomorrow” deal. Steve Vick was added to the mix at this time as well as the resort manager and he has had a huge impact on ethics as well. Dustin and I were disguested with what we saw and began to TRY and influence as many people as we could with our words…. but what we found the most effective was allowing these people to see how we conducted ourselves on the water. To show them that our words matched our deeds. Release a couple 10 lbrs over a couple years in front of the same group of guys and you WILL see a change in how they conduct themselves. That fishing success was not defined by pounds… but by smiles and that fish could also be kept and consumed and that the enjoyment was actually heightened through a scense of stewardship of the resource. We let our big fish go… kept males and “under 20s” and soon others began to follow.
A couple years have passed and the mentality of a whole diverse group of people visiting the resort has largely changed, minus a few stinkers (there’s a always a few harder nuts to crack but we’ll keep leaning on them
) to the point where Steve Vick actually stated to me late last month he was having difficulty getting any large fish photos AT ALL for the baitshop board. In fact, Vick stated towards the end of November that the largest fish brought into the shop in November and KEPT was 24″. This is a HUGE change from season’s past when numbers of 6 – 8 lbers paraded through the resort during a typical “big fish” month like November.
Are “we” responsible for this change? Not sure. I do know we had a hand in it. We’ve been very aware of our ability to influence people through interactions both here in the forums as well as on the water. I am proud of the way the guys closely associated with the website have conducted themselves… they are the utmost in professionals in my opinion. The stringer photos you see here are first seen by real live individuals at the resort and we have NOT seen people turn into meat crazed predators, instead we’ve seen a move towards large-scale catch and release. Some of the worst offenders from several years back are now the most staunch supporters and preachers of selective harvest and stewardship of our river’s resources.
About those stringer photos and what I’ve heard on the “for” side regarding them; for every guy who’s had a negative comment to say about them, I’ve had more come to me and say something along this line… “I never used to throw the bigger fish back until I read you guys were doing it.” Or… “It’s easier to do when you know you’re not the only one doing it.” Or some similar variation.
Now about use of those stringer photos in reports…
I feel I can accomplish the same thing, educating people without the use of the “stringer shot,” even if the fish are carefully selected eaters unlikely to be confused with the hoarding of large females, without using that stringer shot. Certainly it has little benefit to me as a promotion for my guide business as most of my customers release MOST of their fish. I good percentage release ALL fish caught. I just don’t attract too many meat hunters. So what I’m saying is I’ll not use those shot any longer. The reason I had been is that it is, and will continue to be, reality. It’s what actually takes place and it is the appropriate way to utilize a very renewable resource. To treat this subject and to hide it like a “dirty little secret” also has potential for positive and negative effects on people.
About all those “old timers” who say the fishing used to be so much better than it is now…. 10 lber’s everywhere and 21″ – 23″ saugers as fast as you could catch them…. stories grow in the retelling. If they didn’t, what would be be the point in tell them….
Talk to the fisheries biologists and they’ll tell you that the size structure of the fish populations are very healthy and in keeping with historical averages and the walleye numbers are higher than they’ve ever been. That’s factual evidence gathered by professionals trained to monotor our fisheries and not 20 – 30 year old stories recalled by aging fishermen.
But don’t get me wrong, I love to listen to these stories too and I’m working on a batch of dooozies for my grandkids!
Don’t you guys think that maybe the “stringer Photos” are sending the wrong message to other veiwers, including me? Whatever happened to your CPR ideas?
I have to admit I enjoy checking into this Site from time to time, and i am an avid fisherman. But there is no doubt this format has increased fishing pressure at Pool 4.
I do believe everyone has the right to catch and keep fish, but the motives here seem to be line up Guide dates, sell Twister Tails and Videos.
With the closing of areas on other Pools, the non-stop “Scour Hole” debate and honestly, the envy of anglers miles away that are unable to fish here, wouldn’t it be more responsible to actually practice “Catch & Release”?